Coaches & Administrators

Provided for member school athletic directors, coaches, and administrators. 

View publicly available regulations, guidelines, policies, and procedures for IHSAA events.

Herff Jones. Champion has a ring to it.

Handbooks and manuals are updated annually, and outline IHSAA member school policies and procedures for IHSAA-sanctioned sporting events.


Transfer, open enrollment, foreign exchange, public and non-public, and collegiate eligibility resources.

Eligibility rules and interpretations per IAC 281–36.15.

The “Student Eligibility Checklist” is recommended for completion by member school administrators upon registration of students interested in participating in varsity competition and new to their respective districts.

Calendars for IHSAA key dates, postseason events, Unified activities, and more.

Professional or sport-specific associations for coaches and administrators. 

School staff and parent resources from the Iowa Department of Education, National Federation of State High School Associations, and more.

Prepare for inclement weather with guides and procedures for lightning, tornadoes, severe weather, and more.

Calendars for IHSAA key dates, postseason events, Unified activities, and more.

In the case of unforeseen circumstances, the Iowa High School Athletic Association member schools have plans and procedures in place to keep students and participants safe at all times.

Treynor Boys Basketball looking to fill Home and Home (JV and V) openings for ‘23 and ‘24 seasons. Please reach out to Jim Lovely at [email protected]

Mason City is looking for several teams for JV Boys Golf invitational. This would be a 18 hole tournament. The date we are looking at hosting is August 18, 2023. We are looking to get those JV Golfers more experience. Contact [email protected] if you would like to know more or send golfers to the meet.

West Fork is looking to add teams to our cross country meet on September 11th in Sheffield, Iowa. Please contact Athletic Director, Tyler Borchardt at [email protected] to join. This meet is open to both High School & Junior High School teams.

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