The IHSAA Board of Control: Purpose & Function
The Iowa High School Athletic Association’s Board of Control maintains general supervision over all athletic contests of member schools and interprets Association rules. The Board consists of eight voting members and one non-voting ex-officio member who represent all five IHSAA districts in the state of Iowa. Seven board members are elected by IHSAA schools, and one by the Iowa Association of School Boards.
Current Board of Control Members
Amanda Whaley, Chairperson
West Branch, IASB, 2029
Deron Durflinger, Vice Chairperson
Van Meter, 2026
Steve Pettit, Treasurer
Southeast Polk, 2028
Dr. Andy Crozier, Central Lee, 2029
Dave Wiebers, Denison-Schleswig, 2028
Barb Schwamman, Osage, 2027
Brent Cook, Dubuque, Senior, 2027
Dr. Rod Earleywine, Sioux City, 2025
Eric St. Clair – ex-officio, Department of Education

Approved minutes from past Board of Control meetings from recent school years.
The IHSAA Representative Council: Purpose & Function
The 25-member Representative Council formulates the aims and policies of the IHSAA each year and holds the power to initiate amendments and new rules for the Executive Director to submit to the electorate. The council members are elected by member schools and are chosen by district and according to school classification.
Current Council Members
- Chris Deason, Principal
- Ballard
- Nick Ross, Principal
- Waukee Northwest
- Ben Petty, Superintendent
- BCLUW, Conrad
- Justin Stockdale, Superintendent
- Dike-New Hartford
- Jess Toliver, Superintendent
- Eagle Grove
- Aaron Reinhart, Principal
- Central, Elkader
- Jay Marley, Superintendent
- Tripoli
- Brian Howes, Principal
- Dubuque, Senior
- Mike Crozier, Superintendent
- Northwood-Kensett
- Doug Gee, Superintendent
- Clear Lake
- Jason Engleman, Principal
- Central Lyon
- Marty Fonley, Superintendent
- West Monona
- Doug Glackin, Superintendent
- Woodbury Central
- Steve Webner, Superintendent
- LeMars
- Kevin Wood, Principal
- Sioux Central, Sioux Rapids
- Joe Burnett, Superintendent
- Durant & Wilton
- Dan Maeder, Superintendent
- Davis County, Bloomfield
- Mike Still, Superintendent
- Wayne, Corydon
- Brian Stone, Superintendent
- Mid-Prairie, Wellman
- Joe Stutting, Superintendent
- North Scott, Eldridge
- Chris Basinger, Principal
- Norwalk
- Chris Coffelt, Superintedent
- Central Decatur
- Katie Elwood, Principal
- Stanton
- Chris Fenster, Superintendent
- Southwest Valley
- Trevor Miller, Superintendent
- Exira/Elk Horn-Kimballton
Advisory Committees
The IHSAA utilizes advisory committees for each sport as well as other oversight and election functions. The sport advisory committees, sometimes joint with the IGHSAU, are made up of coaches and administrators from across the state to help make proposals, recommendations, and provide input to the Board of Control.