Hosting Postseason Tournaments
This manual is provided as a guideline for school athletic administrators regarding the responsibilities of both the host school and the Iowa High School Athletic Association in the hosting of postseason tournaments. We hope this manual will prove to be beneficial to both veteran athletic directors and those just beginning.
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IHSAA Ticketing Policy
IHSAA Sponsored Event Ticket Policy
The school agrees to utilize Hometown Ticketing as its method of collection admissions and agrees to follow IHSAA policies and procedures in collecting admissions.
The school agrees that it will comply with all laws, administrative rules, and administrative procedures of the State of Iowa in regard to the rental, use, and receipt of compensation or reimbursement for the use of the facilities provided by or secured by the school. Amounts received by the school in excess of costs incurred by the school may be deposited to the General Fund or Student Activity Fund as determined by the school under State of Iowa code. Please see the guidance from the State Department of Education.
Fall Sports
Cross Country: Co-Ed State Qualifying
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Workers for the meet
- Finish line judge(s)
- Finish chute officials
- Official timer
- Official scorer(s)
- Timing and scoring system
- Appropriate marking of the course
- Restroom facilities for patrons
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Map of course
- Starting grid
- Starting times of each race
- Awards presentation after the races
- Medals to top finishers
- Banner to state qualifying teams
- Report results to IHSAA
- Please fax results immediately at the conclusion
- Phone Number- 1-515-432-2011
- Optional- Sound System
- Optional-Medical Services
- Optional-Concessions
- Optional-Program and T-Shirt Sales
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign starter for the meet (1)
- Provide medals to the host school for the following
- Individual Medals (1st Place through 15th Place)
- Team Medals (7 each of 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place)
- Provide banners to the host school for state team qualifiers (3)
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Drone Policy
Golf: Fall District Meets (4A)
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Map of course
- Hole by Hole rules and regulations
- Green fee responsibilities of each participating school
- Awards Presentation after the meet
- Medals to top finishers
- Banner to state qualifying teams
- Report Final Results to IHSAA
- Please email complete results at the conclusion
- Please email District report form at the conclusion
- Optional-Wall chart to keep track of individual scores
- Optional-Sound System
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Provide medals to the host school (22 for districts) for the following
- Individual Medals (Medalist, Runner-Up, 3rd Place, & 4th Place)
- Team Medals (6 each of 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place)
- Provide banners to the school for state team qualifiers (3)
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Alcohol and Tobacco
Football: Postseason
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem
- Announcer
- Timer(s)
- Chain Crew (3-4)
- Ball Boys (4) [High School Age Preferred]
- Ticket Takers
- Pass gate (Separate Entrance if possible)
- Security/Supervision
- Prepare space for radio station(s)
- Provide three footballs for the contest
- Provide pre-game information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Visiting team locker room facilities
- Access for filming
- Pass gate information
- Report final results to Bound
- Report Game Statistics to IHSAA
- Post Game Award Presentation:
- Trophy presentation to losing team
- Medals to losing team
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials to the contest (5)
- Provide athletic trainers including medical coverage for those schools requesting
- Provide sportsmanship statements to be read
- Provide guidelines for public address announcers
- Provide complimentary admission information
- Provide Game Statistics Summary Sheet to Host School
- Provide medals to the host school for team not advancing
- Provide trophy to the host school for team not advancing
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Alcohol and Tobacco Prohibited
- Admission Prices
- IHSAA Tournament Officials Only
Winter Sports
Basketball: District and Substate
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-Recommended but Not Required
- Public Address Announcer
- Ticket takers
- Pass gate supervisor
- Official timer
- Official scorer
- Security/Supervision
- Provide pre-game information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Locker room access
- Time allowed on court for pre-game if playing 1st game
- Post-game award presentation (District Final Only 1A and 2A)
- Medals to District Champion
- Post-game award presentation (Substate Final 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A)
- Medals to Substate Champion
- Banner to state qualifier
- Enter Score on Varsity Bound
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the game (3)
- Provide a basketball for hosting district game (1)
- Provide a basketball for hosting substate game (1)
- Provide 10 basketball scoresheets
- Provide complimentary admission information
- Provide medals to the host school (district final and substate host school) for teams advancing
- Provide banners to the host school (substate host school) for team advancing to state tournament 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
- IHSAA Tournament Officials Only
Swimming: District
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Announcer
- Lifeguard
- Trainer – Strongly recommended
- Ticket takers
- Pass gate supervisor
- Concessions
- Timing and scoring system
- Official scorer/timer
- Hy-Tek Software
- Back-up timers
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Warm-up procedure
- Email final results and backup HyTek file to IHSAA Swim Administrator
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the meet (3)
- Starter/Referee
- 2 Stroke and turn judges
- Provide medals to the host school for top 6 finishers
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Collection of Entries
- Compiling entries and seeding HyTek file
- Awards Presentation schedule
- Provide electronic tickets for the meet
- Provide banners to the host school for team who wins the district meet
- Provide posters to the host school
Wrestling: Sectional and District
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-Not Required
- Announcer
- Ticket takers
- Pass gate supervisor
- Concessions
- Medical personnel if possible
- Security/Supervision
- Scoring table personnel (2-3 per table)
- TrackWrestling personnel
- Wrestling Mats
- At least 2 mats
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Weigh-In protocol
- Seeding criteria
- Awards Presentation
- Report final results to IHSAA:
- IHSAA Phone Number: 1-515-432-2011
- Optional- Program & T-shirt sales
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the meet
- Provide wall charts (Both sectional and district sites)
- Provide medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each weight class
- Provide district team champion banner
- Provide tickets for the meet
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
Wrestling: Regional Dual Team
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-Not Required
- Announcer
- Ticket takers
- Pass gate supervisor
- Concessions
- Security/Supervision
- Medical personnel- if possible
- Scoring table personnel (2-3 per table)
- TrackWrestling personnel
- Wrestling Mats
- Class 1A/2A –2 Mats
- Class 3A – 1 Mat
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Weigh-In protocol
- Awards Presentation
- Medals to team champion
- Banner to state qualifying team
- Report final results to IHSAA:
- IHSAA Phone Number: 1-515-432-2011
- Optional-Program
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the meet
- Provide medals for regional dual team champions
- Provide banner to team champion (1)
- Provide tickets for the meet
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
Spring Sports
Golf: Sectional and District (3A, 2A, 1A)
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Map of course
- Hole by Hole rules and regulations
- Green fee responsibilities of each participating school
- Awards Presentation after the meet
- Medals to top finishers (team & individual)
- Banner to state qualifying teams (districts only)
- E-Mail and fax final results to IHSAA:
- IHSAA Phone Number: 1-515-432-2011
- District host- At the conclusion of the meet, give each state qualifying school (individual or team) the form to be faxed to the state host school.
- Optional- Wall chart to keep track of individual scores
- Optional- Sound System
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Provide medals to the host schools for the following
- Sectional host (16 medals)
- Individual medals (Medalist, Runner-Up, 3rd & 4th Place)
- Team medals (6 each of 1st Place & 2nd Place)
- District host (16 medals)
- Individual medals (Medalist, Runner-Up, 3rd & 4th Place)
- Team medals (6 each of 1st Place & 2nd Place)
- Provide banners to the district host school (3 in case host school qualifies)
- Provide posters to host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- No Pets
- Alcohol and Tobacco
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-Not Required
- Ticket takers
- Scoreboard operator
- Official scorer
- Pass gate supervisor
- Announcer (Optional)
- Provide pre-game information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Locker room access
- Time allowed on field for pre-game if playing 1st game
- Awards presentation after the game:
- Medals to the winning team (substate final)
- Banner to state qualifying teams (substate final)
- Report final results to Varsity Bound:
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the meet (3)
- Provide soccer balls for the match(es) (3)
- Provide medals to the host school (substate final only)
- Provide banners to the host school (substate final only)
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
Tennis: District, Singles & Doubles
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Seeding criteria
- Provide pertinent information to preliminary substate team tennis participants.
- Restroom facilities
- Awards presentation after the tournament
- Medals to top finishers
- Report final results to IHSAA:
- IHSAA Phone Number: 1-515-432-2011
- Optional- Concessions
- Optional- Sound System
- Optional- Program & T-shirt sales
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Provide medals for 1st through 3rd place singles and doubles
- Provide banner for district team champion
- Provide tennis balls for the matches
- Provide brackets and draw sheets to host school
- Provide tennis balls and pertinent information to pass on to preliminary substate team tennis participants.
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Tennis Spectator Behavior Expectations
Tennis: Substate, Team
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Restroom facilities
- Awards presentation after the tournament (Team Tennis)
- Medals to state qualifying team
- Banner to state qualifying team
- Report Final Results to IHSAA:
- IHSAA Phone Number: 1-515-432-2011
- Optional- Concessions
- Optional- Sound System
- Optional- Program & T-shirt sales
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Provide medals for substate champion
- Provide a banner for substate champion
- Provide tennis balls for the matches
- Provide official scoresheets
- Provide posters to the host school
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Tennis Spectator Behavior Expectations
Track & Field: Co-Ed State Qualifying
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If possible
- Announcer
- Ticket takers
- Concessions
- Fully Automatic Timing System
- Hy-Tek Software
- Independent Video Device
- Clerk of course (recommend 1 for boys; 1 for girls)
- Field event judges (3-4 per event)
- Exchange zone judges
- Hurdle movers (Use JH track members)
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Directions to facility
- Meet order of events
- Awards presentation after the meet
- Banner to district champion
- Send backup HyTek file to IHSAA
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign starter/referee for the meet
- Provide entry information to participating schools
- Provide seeded Hy-Tek meet after entries
- Sell electronic tickets to for the meet
- Provide medals to the host school
- Provide a banner to the host school for State Qualifying Team(s)
- Provide posters
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
- Drone Policy
Summer Sports
Baseball: District and Substate
Host School Responsibilities
- National Anthem-If Possible
- Announcer
- Ticket takers
- Scoreboard operator
- Official scorer
- Pass gate supervisor
- Provide pre-meet information to schools
- Highest seed has choice of home or visitor
- Team on top side of bracket occupies 1st base dugout (Exception: When home team is competing, they will occupy the dugout they normally use.)
- Awards presentation after the game
- Medals to team (district & substate final)
- Banner to state qualifying team (substate final)
- Report final results to IHSAA immediately following the contest (include both teams’ win/loss records:
- Coaches need to update statistical information on Varsity Bound by 9 AM the next morning.
IHSAA Responsibilities
- Assign officials for the game (2 for districts, 3 for substate final)
- Provide medals to the school (district & substate final)
- Provide banner to the school (substate final) for team advancing to state tournament.
- Provide posters
- Conduct Counts
- No Pets
- Drone Policy
- Alcohol and Tobacco
- Admission Prices
- IHSAA Tournament Officials Only
Hosting Officials
Competent officiating is a positive factor in contributing to the overall success of a high school athletic program. If responsible and respected individuals are to be kept in the field, they should be shown and given courteous and businesslike treatment. Generally speaking, each official wants to be respected for the task that they have been asked to perform and they want to know that their efforts are appreciated. The key person in making sure these things happen is the high school athletic administrator.
A positive relationship can occur between the sports official and the athletic director when they realize that:
- both are working for the betterment of high school athletics;
- both are attempting to be fair and unbiased in their decisions;
- both are responsible for the actions of coaches, participants and spectators;
- both must use good judgment, be courteous, friendly, calm and respectful to others; and
- both are human and, as a result, there is a possibility of error.
Hopefully the suggestions that follow for hosting officials will help show the necessary respect and appreciation for these important people.
Hosting Officials
Before the Contest
- Double check the officials contract two weeks prior to the contest.
- Once week in advance, inform the contest officials of the following:
- Time of Contest
- Location
- Parking situation
- Name of hosts, if known
- A phone call the day before the contest serves as a reminder of the game and verification of time and place.
- Call immediately if there are weather delays or postponements.
- When necessary, inform each official with whom they will be working.
- Make arrangements for competent and knowledgeable scorers, timers and public address announcers whose poise and impartiality will aid officials during the contest.
- Provide a fair and competitive wage and mileage fee for the officials.
- Arrange for police or security protection if anticipating problems or a large crowd.
- It is recommended that the athletic director arrange for officials’ hosts, escorts, ambassadors or whatever name the school chooses. These escorts, usually one or two depending on the activity, can be adults or high school students. They should be provided with written instructions prepared by the athletic director. They should also be provided with appropriate uniforms.
- Duties of officials’ escorts:
- Meet and greet officials and take to their dressing room.
- Ask what refreshments they desire and when.
- Ask if there are any other needs.
- Escort the officials from their dressing room to the contest and from the contest to the dressing rooms at appropriate times.
- Stay outside the officials dressing room door at half-time and after the contest allowing no one in except authorized personnel.
- Escort officials to their car after the contest.
- Provide a clean, spacious, private dressing room facility with shower, towels, soap, and toilet.
- Provide a reserved parking place near the site of the contest.
- Provide officials with forms that contain:
- Coaches names
- Names of scorers, timers, announcers and other bench personnel
- Time schedule pertinent to the game
- Miscellaneous special instructions
- The athletic director or contest manager should discuss with officials specific conference procedures or local situations, activities, or events to insure a smooth operation of that contest.
- Make available programs or rosters for the officials.
- Provide the officials with the name of an adult supervisor and where he can be found in case a challenging situation should occur.
- The official’s mode of payment should be discussed prior to the contest.
- Provide appropriate uniforms for your bench/table personnel.
During the Contest
- Insist that your coaches set good examples for your crowd and players by showing respect for officials’ decisions. Game officials must have that support from the coach as he, more than any other person, sets the pattern for players and crowd.
- If you have delegated your duties to a contest manager or supervisor, make sure they understand their duties and responsibilities during the contest.
- Keep working areas for officials and playing areas for athletes free from unauthorized personnel.
- Provide someone to maintain proper playing area conditions as directed by the officials.
- Make sure the playing area is swept/maintained during half-time of each contest. If wrestling, make sure mat is properly washed and cleaned.
- Continually observe the contest and curb any possible spectator problems that might disrupt the duties of the officials.
- Cooperate with the officials if he asks assistance in handling a crowd problem.
- Assign someone to retrieve the game ball at the end of a game so that officials may be escorted immediately to their dressing room.
- The administrator insures that officials get safely back to their dressing room.
- Do not allow unauthorized persons in the officials’ dressing room after the contest.
- Provide refreshments for the officials after the contest. A sandwich and pop for the trip home is appreciated.
- Be sure you, the athletic director, show signs of appreciation to the officials after the contest.