New Officials

Welcome and thank you for choosing to become an IHSAA official! Your contribution to education-based activities in Iowa is appreciated.
Once your registration is complete through DragonFly, officials can contact athletic directors of schools directly for game contracts.
You are encouraged to join a local officials’ association where you can receive mentoring and assistance in obtaining contracts.
The IHSAA does not secure regular season contracts for officials. The IHSAA may share your contact information with school A.D.s and local assignors to assist in the securing of game contracts.
It is recommended you begin by establishing your abilities through junior high and sub-varsity contests. Work hard in those games and your efforts will be noticed. Officials work many years to advance to varsity level contests. Postseason contracts are offered to registered officials by the IHSAA in selected sports.
You are an independent contractor and subject to the appropriate IRS requirements.
Clinic Schedules
Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, the IHSAA will include annual officiating clinics in the sports of football, basketball, wrestling, soccer and baseball as part of the rules meeting video.
It is the responsibility of a registered official to view these rules meetings and clinics for the purpose of keeping informed on current rules and mechanics as well as a general review.
Officials registered in Track & Field and Cross Country do not have a clinic to view, but do complete the rules meeting video each year.
IHSAA rules meetings and officials clinics are free to view. They become available about one month prior to the start of each of those sports seasons.
Most sporting goods stores and many online officiating websites can be used to purchase uniforms and equipment. Refer to the Uniform Requirements section of the officials manual for more detailed information. IHSAA logoed shirts can be purchased from different vendors and are encouraged to be worn during regular season contests. A sampling of possible vendors to order equipment from include:
- IHSAA Logoed Options: Iowa Officials Supplies, Ump Attire, Fifth Region Officials Supplies, Purchase Officials, Precision Officials, Officially Dalco, Smitty Apparel – Iowa Preferred Dealers
- Non-IHSAA Options: Gerry Davis Sports, Honig’s, Cliff Keen, The Referee Store, Smitteez
The uniforms adopted by this Association are as follows:
- Baseball: Grey pants; navy, light blue, cream, or black shirt; navy/black umpire’s cap; black shoes and socks.
- Basketball: Black and white striped shirt with short sleeves; black trousers; black shoes and socks.
- Football: All crews are permitted to wear the current 1” or 2 ¼” stripe football officials’ shirt. All varsity crew members must wear the same size stripe and style shirt. Sub-varsity football officials are recommended to wear the same style shirt. All football officials will be required to wear the black nylon football officiating pants for all 9-12 football contests. Appropriate football officiating cap, black shoes and socks.
- Track Starter: Khaki pants, white or light-colored shirt and an IHSAA or appropriate baseball style cap. In inclement weather, a light or bright colored jacket may be worn. Starters shall wear an identifying sleeve on the arm holding the starting device.
- Soccer: A shirt approved by the IHSAA; in the event of a color conflict between the officials and either team, the officials shall change to a jersey of a color distinct from both teams; black shorts or long trousers; predominantly black shoes and black stockings with white stripes; a solid black cap, if worn.
- Swimming: White uniform or blue shirt and khaki pants/shorts and white shoes during the regular season; however, if two or more officials are present, they need to wear the same uniform. The blue shirt and khaki pants are required for postseason meets.
- Wrestling: Short sleeved, black and white striped shirt with 1-inch stripes, or a gray shirt with black pin stripes, or an event shirt provided by the meet management for all officials; black trousers, black shoes and socks. The grey shirt with black pinstripes will be required for postseason wrestling tournaments.
Clothing, which is clean, pressed and not over worn, as well as polished shoes are required of officials in all sports.
When a team or crew of officials wear jackets, the same jacket should be worn by all members of the team/crew.
All IHSAA officials will be instructed to place the following emblems and logos in the same location on his/her garment.
- IHSAA State of Iowa Emblem: Officials in all sports can display the IHSAA State of Iowa emblem and it shall be displayed on the left chest. Football, basketball, wrestling, soccer, and baseball tournament/play-off officials will be required to wear the IHSAA State of Iowa Emblem on the left chest. Officials during regular season at any level are not required to wear this emblem but are encouraged to purchase shirts in the above sports with the emblem already on the shirt. Because IHSAA Track & Field is held in conjunction with the IGHSAU, no IHSAA emblem shirt should be worn or is needed. You can purchase the IHSAA State of Iowa Emblem from our office by completing the online IHSAA Officials Order Form. They are available for $6.00 and can be a sticky, removeable patch or an iron-on/sewn-on patch.
- United States Flag Emblem: If you choose to wear the United State flag emblem available by the IHSAA, we request you wear it on your left sleeve, 2” below the shoulder seam. The union (blue field) should be to the viewer’s left. The flag shall be facing forward and streaming to the back as the person moves forward. Do not wear a “reverse” US Flag on your left sleeve. We request that you wear the standard version of which is red, white and blue with gold trimming and no other combination of colors. They are available for $3.00 each.
- Say-No-To-Drugs Emblem: Say-No-To-Drugs emblems are available and may be worn on the right sleeve approximately two inches below the shoulder seam. Additional Say-No-To-Drugs emblems are available for $3.00 each.
Ordering Additional Emblems
- To purchase additional emblems, go to IHSAA Officials Order Form. Print the form, fill it out in its entirety and return the form with your check or money order to the IHSAA office. Please do not send cash. The use of a credit card for purchases is currently not available.