Hello! We wanted to provide this page as a hub for updates and Iowa High School Athletic Association resources to share with our administrators, coaches, student-athletes, officials, and fans during this unprecedented and unpredictable time as COVID-19 affects Iowa and the world around us.
Check back for frequent updates and be sure to follow the IHSAA on Twitter for the latest news on activities.
The IHSAA office is open by appointment only.
Latest update: November 30, 2020
Originally published: March 17, 2020
Winter sport general guidance
- Initial guidance ahead of the 2020-21 winter sport seasons, as well as sport-specific considerations. Originally published October 20.
Junior High winter sport guidance
- Information shared at the five district athletic director meetings. High school guidance to be posted later in October.
General guidance for fall 2020 sports
- Outlined recommendations for cross country, football, and Class 4A golf for the fall 2020 sport season, as published July 29.
Guidance update on coach-athlete contact, strength and conditioning
- Updates ahead of July 1 following June 25 guidance from the Iowa Department of Education. Out of season coach-athlete contact as well as strength and conditioning activities may resume July 1.
Summer sports return approved for Iowa high schools
- Following a May 20 proclamation from Gov. Kim Reynolds and guidance from the Iowa Department of Education, the IHSAA and IGHSAU announced a June 1 return for baseball and softball.
Iowa high school spring sports canceled
- In cooperation with the Iowa Department of Education and state officials, the IHSAA and IGHSAU announced the cancellation of spring sports on April 17.
Previous spring suspension announcements
- Original IHSAA and IGHSAU releases on spring activities being suspended; outdated as of April 17.
The IHSAA is beginning the 2020 winter sports seasons as currently scheduled. First practices are set to begin for bowling and swimming on Nov. 9, and basketball and wrestling on Nov. 16.
In Iowa’s Unified Activities programs – IHSAA, IGHSAU, IHSMA, and IHSSA – each member school and participant may determine which activities they sponsor or join every school year.
Overall Winter Sports Guidance
- Originally published: October 20
Latest update: November 19
- Includes FAQs, spectators limitations, etc.
- Winter Guidance
December 3 Update: Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, the 2021 IHSAA State Swimming Championships will not be held at the University of Iowa’s Campus Recreation and Wellness Center. The meet’s substitute site will be announced as soon as possible. The state meet is currently scheduled for February 13, 2021.
- Fall Guidance
2020 Revised Scheduling Plan
- Release from July 24 to adjust regular season and postseason of 2020 varsity football schedule.
- COVID-19 Public Address Script
- DE: Reopening FAQs, August 14
- DIA: Concession Stand Guidance, August 5
- Video: Athletic Director Fall Sports Webinar
- Facility Signage (PDF)
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Swimming
- Wrestling
Iowa Department of Public Health
- The latest on COVID-19 in our state, including guidance and public health tips.
Iowa Department of Education
- The latest on school closures and continued learning guidance for Iowa school districts.
Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union
- Iowa is the only state in the nation with separate boys and girls high school athletic organizations, but we are continuing to work together throughout this crisis.
Iowa High School Music Association
- The IHSMA is a Unified Activities partner of the IHSAA and its offices are located inside our Boone office.
Iowa High School Speech Association
- The IHSSA is a Unified Activities partner of the IHSAA and its offices are located inside the IGHSAU office in West Des Moines.
Both baseball (boys) and softball (girls) are considered summer sports in Iowa. Following a May 20 proclamation from Gov. Kim Reynolds and guidance from the Iowa Department of Education, the IHSAA and IGHSAU announced a June 1 return for baseball and softball. First competition dates may be as early as June 15. Further sport-specific guidance will be issued by the IHSAA and IGHSAU.
COVID-19 Related Withdrawals From Postseason
- Class 4A: Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson; Dowling Catholic, W.D.M.; Dubuque, Senior; Muscatine; Southeast Polk
- Class 3A: Knoxville
- Class 2A: Sibley-Ocheyedan
Class 1A:
BCLUW, Conrad; North Butler, Greene; North Tama, Traer; Northwood-Kensett; St. Mary’s, Storm Lake; Turkey Valley, Jackson Junction
- Last update: 10 a.m., July 14
- Manuals
- Guidance
- IHSAA & IGHSAU Webinars
- IHSAA Webinar Transcripts
- IHSAA & IGHSAU Facility Signage
We worked with the IGHSAU in try and provide these spring activities for student-athletes. However, through guidance from Governor Kim Reynolds, the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Department of Education, and public health authorities, these sports were cancelled as of April 17.
School Gym & Fitness Facility Guidance
- A May 1 update from the Iowa Department of Education on the use of school gyms and fitness facilities.
NCAA Eligibility Center
- Student-athletes pursuing NCAA sports should stay updated on eligibility information, including these FAQs for 2020 grads .
NFHS Learning Center
- NFHS courses for current or interested officials have been made free until July 1. Click the “Official” filter on the left for elective and core course options.
- NFHS has also made the “Positive Sports Parenting” course free for any interested users.
“Lets gain new appreciation for officials during downtime”
- This op-ed from NFHS executive director Dr. Karissa Niehoff offers kudos to all the game officials who will be ready to return to sports as soon as we can.
The Iowa High School Athletic Association works to coordinate, develop, direct, oversee, and promote boys’ high school and junior high sports and activities across the state of Iowa. The IHSAA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers free membership to all high schools in Iowa that are recognized by the Department of Education.
- Our history
- Our staff
Wanted listings available
- At the bottom of our Coaches & Administrators page, we have inputs available for “Games Wanted” and “Officials Wanted” to be used by member schools. With challenges sure to arise with adjusted schedules, this resource is available for you to use and IHSAA staff will continue to share events on that page.