Fall 2020: Return to Competition
Updated: July 29, 2020
This document should be considered as providing recommendations from the IHSAA for member schools and may be updated before and during the fall 2020 season. Class 4A is the only IHSAA classification which plays golf in the fall sports season.
It will be the general practice of the IHSAA to defer to the local committee (host course/host school) on whether to utilize tee times versus shotgun starts for regular season competition in a fashion that promotes social distancing.
The following guidelines should be followed at all times:
- Stay at least six feet away from others at all times. Masks may be worn.
- Do not touch or handle any supplies or equipment that are not yours–Tees, Scorecards, Pencils and other needed items for play
- Players and spectators should not enter the clubhouse at host courses unless communicated entry points and restrooms are stated
- The IHSAA encourages member schools to schedule golf competitions in a fashion that allows for social distancing
- That may mean scheduling duals, triangulars or four team contests versus multi-team tournaments
- Multi-team tournaments are allowed if the host school/course follows all county health guidelines and are able to provide for an environment in accordance with IHSAA Guidelines
- The practice facilities (range and putting green) should be for warming up only, not for practicing
- Hosts should assign a “Time Window” for each participating team. That may also include assigning range location as well
- Hitting bays set up with 10 feet of space between players
- Bring your own tees — avoid community tee bins
- If possible, provide pool noodles or pvc in practice green holes to prevent the ball from dropping all the way in the cup
- Work with host club to space out putting green holes as best as possible
- The practice putting green may have a limited number of players allowed on it at any one time depending on the size of the putting green or by guidelines set by the host course
- If numbers allow, an adult (assistant coach) should monitor the warm-up area(s)
- Spectators are allowed at competitions, but just as in the past, spectators should maintain ample distance from all players
- Spectators should be given guidance to maintain social distancing amongst themselves as well – if spectators fail to comply with host course/host school they may be asked to leave
- Carts for coaches are at the discretion of the host course and the local county health guidelines
- Carts for spectators—the host school and/or course will want to establish an efficient way for the host club to collect cart fees to insure social distancing
- No shuttles for players, except when dealing with extreme weather delays
- The coaches meeting should occur in an open area that allows for social distancing (outdoors may be ideal). Another possible option is to have the coaches meeting online via Zoom, Google Hangout, etc the day prior to a competition. The number of teams involved in the competition will likely dictate the conditions for the coaches meeting.
- Explain electronic scoring or distribute scorecards (another option is to email scorecard to coaches to print ahead of time)
- Players should provide their own water/drink as many courses do not offer water stations due to COVID-19 restrictions
- Only method to provide water on golf course is through the coach
- Coaches are allowed to distribute water and/or sport drinks as in the past
- Host schools should work with the host course to take all necessary precautions, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of restrooms on the course.
- Place sanitizing wipes or similar at the restrooms and encourage players to wipe down facility before using
- All delays are going to be heavily dependent on the number of teams, nature of delay, and course facilities.
- One potential solution is sending players to vehicles rather than clubhouse.
- Plan to have disposable masks to hand out should there be a need to congregate in large numbers in a shelter (may also have players carry masks in their golf bag should they need to congregate due to severe weather).
- The timing of delays and restarts may be increased to allow more time for players to return to the course from safe places (i.e. they left in their car, SUV, team bus).
- The host school should defer to the host course on the use of a physical scoreboard. One concern is the tendency to congregate around the scoreboard which should be discouraged
- One possible alternative is to have all scores visible electronically on a website, Google doc, app, etc for both participants and spectators to view
- Any award presentation should be brief and social distancing should be maintained
- All players/teams/spectators should leave the premises once competition/awards are complete.
Local rules are at the discretion of the local committee (host school/course) and should be clearly communicated to all participants in advance of competition.
Players must take every effort to maintain a 6-foot or larger distance from all other teams at all times. Intentional, accidental or unknowing breaches of this rule would result in an IHSAA Code of Conduct Violation.
Practice Before the Round
Rule 5.2a is modified in this way: Players may not practice at the facility in which the competition is being conducted more than 45 minutes before their starting time. Penalty for breach of this local rule: Warning for first breach, disqualification for second breach.
Bunkers, If Rakes Removed
When a ball is in any bunker, Model Local Rule E-3 is in effect. The player may lift, clean, and place the ball or any ball within one club length no closer to the hole in the bunker. The relief area must not be smoothed before placing. Penalty for breach of this local rule: General Penalty.
Rule 13.2 is modified in this way: Player are prohibited from moving the flagstick at any time. Penalty for breach of this local rule: General Penalty. The player is not penalized under this local rule for accidentally touching the flagstick while removing the ball from the hole.
Holing Out
The definition of “holed” is modified in this way: A ball is considered holed if it is resting on an object in place to prevent the ball from falling to the bottom of the cup even if the ball is not completely resting below the surface of the ground. A ball is also considered holed if it hits or touched an exposed hole liner that is raised with the intent to not allow a ball to fall into the cup.
-Note: This is the final decision that needs to be made prior to playing
-May be different based on facility
Scoring will be done with a paper scorecard that is not exchanged between players. Each player will be assigned a marker at the tee. Players will keep both scores on the scorecard. All players are still encouraged to verbally exchange scores at the next tee box when each hole is complete. After the round, in the scoring area, players will certify their scores hole-by-hole verbally and a signature will not be required by the player or marker. The scorecard is considered returned when the player verbally certifies the scores and places the scorecard in the box and/or at the scorer’s table.
If an awards ceremony is held, everyone will still practice social distancing and maintain at least six (6) feet apart from each other unless they are from the same household.
For COVID-19 related information on all IHSAA fall activities, please visit: