Below are approved minutes from past meetings of the IHSAA’s Board of Control. The board consists of eight voting members and one non-voting ex-officio member who represent all five IHSAA districts in the state of Iowa. Seven board members are elected by IHSAA schools, and one by the Iowa Association of School Boards. Board positions are unpaid and are determined through annual elections of IHSAA member school representatives. 

Minutes published below are from meetings in the 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 school years. Minutes are published after they are approved at the following meeting.

To view minutes from digitized issues (1924-2020) of the IHSAA Bulletin, please view the IHSAA’s publication database at ArcaSearch. 

Minutes are posted following approval at next board meeting.

DECEMBER 5, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met December 5, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Vice Chairperson Deron Durflinger, Treasurer Steve Pettit, Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers and Andy Crozier. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 10:40 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Davenport West – Eric D. – General Transfer Rule 36.8(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Eric D., student. Appellant; Erin Soedt, Davenport West guidance counselor, Michelle Lillis, Davenport West athletic director; Cory Williams, Davenport West principal; Kyle Verdon, Davenport West swim coach, participated in the meeting. (MM-S) Crozier-Wiebers that in accordance with 36.8(2), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.    

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Durflinger at 11:15 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, December 5, 2024. 

NOVEMBER 22, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met November 22, 2024, at the Holiday Inn and Suites, Cedar Falls, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dr. Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer, Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Dr. Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook, Barb Schwamman, and Dave Wiebers.  Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Director of Finance, Jessica Morgan. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:01 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Earleywine-Schwamman to amend the agenda with the removal of one action items (Approval of mediation request). Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Pettit-Whaley to approve the October 17, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Pettit-Cook to enter Executive Session at 8:04 a.m. to review the IHSAA 990 tax return and discuss current litigation.  (MM-S) Cook-Earleywine to leave Executive Session at 8:32 a.m.  


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared the state convention was held November 19-21 and that resources for onboarding new Board of Education members are available on the IASB website. 

I.H.S.A.D.A REPORT – Board member Cook reported on the upcoming national NIAAA convention to be held in December in Austin, TX and spring IHSADA Conference in Coralville. He also updated the Board on the IHSAA/IGHSAU/IHSADA New Athletic Director mentoring program. 

D.O.E. REPORT – No report. 

NFHS NETWORK/LIVE STREAMING REPORT – Communications Director Chris Cuellar presented information regarding number of streams and approved access points, new IHSAA Showcase streams, as well as income from each. 

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/OUTREACH/DEVELOPMENT REPORT — Assistant Director Elsberry presented information about Achieve Together, Achieve Scrimmages, the recently held Student Leadership Conference at Iowa State University, and recent sponsorship procurements.  

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT – Director of Officials Curtis shared the current number of registered officials and recent clinic opportunities. 

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR REPORT —Communications Director Cuellar including web site and social media analytics, Podcasts, as well as recent releases from IHSAA. 


IHSAA HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE RENEWAL – Executive Director Keating shared the medical premium renewal from Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield decreased by 2.35%.  Delta Dental premiums will increase by 2%.  Group term and group long term disability rates will remain the same. 

IHSAA FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented October 31, 2024, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and golf sport report. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Whaley-Wiebers to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Executive Director Keating shared information regarding the IHSAA/IGHSAU New A.D Workshop Part II.

2) The administrative staff shared the fall sports online rules meeting memos.

3) Assistant Director Elsberry shared information regarding Achieve Challenge events.

4) Executive Director Keating provided State Football Championship Awards Presentation schedule.

5) Executive Director Keating shared the list of Head Strong Concussion Insurance Claims as of November 1, 2024.

6) Assistant Director Umthun shared a review of the State Cross Country Meet.

7) Assistant Director Elsberry shared preliminary Bowling classifications.

8) Executive Director Keating presented items from the Joint IHSAA/IGHSAU staff meeting.

9) Executive Director Keating shared an updated Board of Control Meeting and Event Schedule.

10) Executive Director Keating shared a disciplinary letter sent to an IHSAA registered official.

11) Executive Director Keating led a Board discussion regarding football classification. 

12) Executive Director Keating led a Board discussion regarding what a model of District basketball would look like. 


IHSAA REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION RESULTS – Assistant Director Chizek presented the 2023 Postseason Football Manual. (MM-S) Crozier-Earleywine to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 




NW 1A – (3 Positions Expiring in 2029, 2026, 2025)  

Nathan Hemiller Superintendent East Sac County 7 (Expiring 2029) 

Adam Bisenius Superintendent Ridge View 5 (Expiring 2025) 

Ken Slater Superintendent Hinton 4 (Expiring 2026) 

Joe Carter Superintendent Algona 2 

Patrick Carlin Superintendent Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn 2 

Stan DeZeeuw Superintendent Sibley-Ocheyedan 2 

Alynn Coppock Principal West Sioux, Hawarden 1 

Brad Anderson Superintendent South Central Calhoun 1 

Brad Leonard Principal Estherville Lincoln Central 1 

Brandi Jessen Principal Lawton-Bronson 1 

Brandon Weisert Principal MMCRU 1 

Brent Town Principal Sioux Center 1 

Bryan Paulson Principal Gehlen Catholic, LeMars 1 

Chad Shook Superintendent Lawton-Bronson 1 

Christopher Feldhans Principal Newell-Fonda 1 

Cory Jenness Superintendent Emmetsburg 1 

Cory Myer Superintendent Sheldon 1 

Denny Olhausen Superintendent Alta-Aurelia 1 

Greg Hiemstra Principal Harris-Lake Park 1 

Jared Cecil Principal Algona 1 

Justin Daggett Superintendent Manson Northwest Webster 1 

Matt Alexander Superintendent OABCIG 1 

Matt Malausky Principal Cherokee, Washington 1 

Mike Mulder Superintendent MOC-Floyd Valley 1 

Nick Miller Principal Sheldon 1 

Noah Phillips Principal Hinton 1 

Shawn Kreman Superintendent West Lyon, Inwood 1 

Tom Luxford Superintendent Woodbury Central, Moville 1 

Tyson Wirtz Principal West Bend-Mallard 1 

Wade Riley Superintendent South O’Brien, Paullina 1 

Spoiled Ballots 9 

NE 1A Position – Term expiring in 2029  

Ken D. Baker Principal Forest City 4 

Leisa Breitfelder Superintendent Central City 3 

Ken Kasper Superintendent Garner Hayfield Ventura 2 

John Howard Superintendent Union, LaPorte City 2 

Tim Cronin Superintendent Decorah 2 

Autumn Pino Superintendent Lisbon 1 

Chad Kohagen Superintendent Jesup 1 

Jason McLaughlin Principal Central City 1 

Brian Jaeger Superintendent Monticello 1 

Ryan Fritz Principal Cascade, Western Dubuque 1 

Troy Osterhaus Principal Maquoketa Valley, Delhi 1 

Josh Ehn Superintendent Oelwein 1 

Joe Griffith Superintendent North Fayette Valley 1 

Rob Arnold Principal Benton Community 1 

Darwin Lehmann Superintendent Central Springs 1 

Jen Vance Superintendent West Delaware, Manchester 1 

T.J. Murphy Principal Wapsie Valley, Fairbank 1 

Tony Adams Principal Newman Catholic, Mason City 1 

SW 2A Election – Completing term expiring 2026  

Bridgette Bellows Principal Council Bluffs, Abraham Lincoln 1 (by draw) 

Tara Paul Superintendent Indianola 1 

Shawn Holloway Superintendent Norwalk 1 

Michael Naughton Principal Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson 1 

SE 1A Position – Term expiring in 2029  

Dan Maeder Superintendent Davis County, Bloomfield 13 

Nick Breuer Principal English Valleys, North English 2 

Jordan Buell Principal Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont 2 

Mark Taylor Superintendent Centerville 1 

Tony Johnson Principal Wapello 1 

Brenda Arthur-Miller Principal West Liberty 1 

Davis Eidahl Superintendent Solon 1 

Dr. Tony Aylsworth Superintendent Pleasantville 1 

Cassi Pearson Superintendent Knoxville 1 

Angela Olson Superintendent Regina, Iowa City 1 

Mike Wolter Principal Columbus Community, Columbus Junction 1 

Chad Rezac Principal Tipton 1 

Brad Hohensee Superintendent H-L-V, Victor 1 

Mike VanSickle Superintendent Louisa-Muscatine 1 

Marty Jimmerson Superintendent West Branch 1 

Central 1A Position – Term Expiring in 2029  

Justin Stockdale Superintendent Dike-New Hartford 19 

Chris Murphy Superintendent Grand View Christian School 1 

Dr. Steve Gray Superintendent Nevada 1 

Kelly Williamson Principal Madrid 1 

Jim Murray Superintendent Humboldt 1 

Clark Wicks Superintendent Perry 1 

Jake Randall Principal West Marshall, State Center 1 

Seth Poldberg Principal North Polk, Alleman 1 

I, Chairperson of the IHSAA Board of Control, certify that the above and foregoing is the official report of the Representative Council elections.  

Dr. Andy Crozier, Superintendent, Central Lee 

Chairperson, Board of Control  

(MM-S) Pettit-Earleywine to approve Representative Council Election Results. Motion carried unanimously. 

BASEBALL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS – Assistant Director Umthun presented the minutes and recommendations from the Baseball Advisory Committee: (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve minutes of the Baseball Advisory Committee.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 DISTRICT WRESTLING SITES AND ASSIGNMENTS – Director of Officials and Wrestling Administrator Curtis presented these.  (MM-S) Schwamman-Wiebers to approve.  Motion carried unanimously. 

AGREEMENT WITH AMERICA’S RIVER CONFERENCE, SIOUX CITY (pending Sioux City Tourism Board Approval), AND CEDAR RAPIDS/CR KERNELS  – (MM-S) Durflinger/Whaley to approve agreements regarding Class 3A/4A State Baseball sites. Motion carried unanimously. 

POSTVILLE FOOTBALL REQUEST – Executive Director Keating presented a request regarding football classification placement by Postville. (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to deny request. Motion carried 6-1. 

REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL – Chairperson Crozier presented the following as officers for 2024-25: Chairperson – Amanda Whaley, Vice-Chair – Deron Durflinger, Treasurer – Steve Pettit. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to approve the officers as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held December 20, 2024 via Zoom. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 9:37 a.m. 

I, Tom Keating, Executive Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday, November 22, 2024. 

OCTOBER 29, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met October 29, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers and Steve Pettit. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 8:05 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Don Bosco – Aidan N. – General Transfer Rule 36.8(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Peter and Lindsey N., parents of the student. Appellants and Justin Stockdale, Dike-New Hartford superintendent, participated in the meeting. All participants were informed that Board Members St. Clair and Schwamman recused themselves from the hearing. (MM) Wiebers that in accordance with 36.8(3), eligibility be denied. The motion died due to a lack of a second. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook that in accordance with 36.8(3)a(9), eligibility be granted. Motion carried 4-1.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 9:00 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, October 29, 2024. 

OCTOBER 17, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met October 17, 2024, at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Barb Schwamman, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek, Director of Officials Lewie Curtis, Communications Director Chris Cuellar and Director of Finance Jessica Morgan. Brian Humke and Jeff Hardy, legal counsel, also attended the meeting. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:30 a.m. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Durflinger-Pettit to proceed into executive session to discuss current litigation and a personnel matter. (MM-S) Whaley-Cook to adjourn the Executive Session. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Crozier to add additional staffing positions to the action item portion of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to approve the September 13, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented September 30, 2024, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and quarterly investment statement. 

2024-25 WINTER SPORTS MANUAL — The administrative team presented the sport manuals for basketball, wrestling, swimming and bowling for approval.  

FOOTBALL FORFEITS — Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Chizek shared information relative to Oelwein and Rockford forfeiting regular season contests.  

CROSS COUNTRY STATE QUALIFYING MEET ASSIGNMENTS — Assistant Director Umthun presented the state qualifying cross country team assignments. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


2023-24 IHSAA AUDIT — Director of Finance Morgan presented the minutes of the Audit Committee. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to accept the minutes as presented and receive the audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA 403b CARRIER — Director of Finance Morgan presented different retirement plan carrier options for the current IHSAA staff 403b retirement plan. Five different options were presented. (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to change the IHSAA staff retirement carrier from The Standard to Ascensus. Motion carried unanimously. 

SOCCER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Assistant Director Tharp presented the soccer advisory committee minutes and eight recommendations, four of which will go to the joint board first. The committee recommended: 1) to require all varsity contests are required to play two 40-minute halves. 2) to permit schools 17 matches per level of competition. 3) to limit schools to two matches per day, per level of competition. 4) to limit individuals to a maximum of four halves per day. Assistant Director Tharp also recommended the following postseason format: state quarterfinals be played at regional sites around the state and a three-day state tournament (Wednesday through Friday) at Mediacom Stadium in Des Moines (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to receive the committee meeting minutes and to approve committee recommendations 1-4 and staff recommendations 1-2. Motion carried unanimously. 

AD MENTORING PROGRAM PAYMENT — Assistant Director Tharp shared the final cost breakdown of the athletic director mentoring program that is split three ways among the IHSAA, IGHSAU and IHSADA.  (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve mentoring program expense as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA ELECTIONS — Executive Director Keating presented the formal report of the Board of Control election committee and information sent to school administrators regarding the upcoming Representative Council elections. 






Dr. Andy Crozier Superintendent Central Lee 22 

Joe Burnett Superintendent Durant   2 

Marty Jimmerson Superintendent West Branch   2 

10 other administrators each received 1 vote 

I, Chairperson of the Election Committee for the Board of Control, certify that the above and foregoing is the official report of the Board of Control elections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Joe Stutting, Superintendent, North Scott 

Chairperson, Election Committee, Board of Control  

(MM-S) Pettit-Cook to receive the election committee report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

SPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS — Assistant Director Elsberry presented the following names for appointment to the respective advisory committee: Wrestling – Bobby Thompson, Fort Dodge, and Brent Jennings, Osage; Baseball – Devin Schwiesow, Saint Ansgar; Football – Tim TeBrink, North Polk; Baseball – Nathan King, Williamsburg; Golf – Carson Hattel, Johnston; Basketball – Joe Ewen, Assumption, Davenport.  (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve the appointments as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2025 POSTSEASON WRESTLING MANUAL — Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2025 Postseason Wrestling Manual. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

MEDIATION AGREEMENT — Executive Director Keating shared information regarding rfecent mediation.   (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to authorize IHSAA legal counsel to proceed with finalizing a settlement related to recent mediation.. Motion carried unanimously. 

ADDITIONAL STAFFING POSITIONS — Executive Director Keating presented a proposal to hire two positions. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve hiring a communications assistant and an assistant director. Motion carried unanimously. 


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared the state convention is scheduled to be held November 20-22. 

I.H.S.A.D.A REPORT – Board member Cook reported on the recently held district meetings and the upcoming national NIAAA convention to be held in December in Austin, Texas.  

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT – Director of Officials Curtis shared the current number of registered officials, clinic opportunities, the Midwest Officials Summit and NFOA award winners. 

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/OUTREACH/DEVELOPMENT REPORT — Assistant Director Elsberry presented information about Achieve Together and Achieve Scrimmages. 

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR REPORT —Communications Director Cuellar including web site and social media analytics and the new streaming showcase for early rounds of the postseason 


1) Director of Officials Curtis shared the most recent fall sports ejection report.

2) Assistant Director Umthun provided information on the upcoming state cross country meet.

3) The administrative staff provided information on the recently held district athletic director meetings.

4) Executive Director Keating shared the Head Strong concussion insurance claims as of October 1.

5) Assistant Director Tharp shared a preliminary list of basketball classifications.

6) Director of Officials Curtis shared a preliminary list of wrestling classifications.

7) Executive Director Keating provided the 2023-24 NFHS Injury Surveillance Summary Report.

8) Executive Director Keating distributed a summary of fall 2023 eligibility cases.

9) Executive Director Keating shared the NFHS Participation Survey is already available for schools to be entering data throughout the school year.

10) Assistant Director Chizek discussed the current 8-player enrollment cap and requests to play down in classification.

11) Executive Director Keating led a discussion regarding the fall golf season. (MM-S) Durflinger-Pettit to create agenda item 10a – 1A, 2A and 3A Golf Season. Motion carried unanimously. (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to delay the implementation of the fall golf season for Class 1A, 2A and 3A indefinitely. Roll call vote – Durflinger – aye; Schwamman – aye; Cook – aye; Earleywine – aye; Wiebers – nay; Whaley – nay; Pettit – aye; Crozier – nay. Motion carried 5-3.   

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held November 22, 2024 at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Cedar Falls in conjunction with the State Football Championships. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 11:30 a.m. 

l, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, October 17, 2024.  

SEPTEMBER 13, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met September 13, 2024, at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Rod Earleywine, Barb Schwamman, Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers and Eric St. Clair (non-voting). Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Andy Umthun, Chad Elsberry and Jared Chizek; Director of Finance Jessica Morgan; Director of Officials Lewie Curtis and Communications Director Chris Cuellar. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Whaley-Wiebers to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve the August 9&10, August 12, and August 22, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

Eligibility Hearing: (1) Wilton – Bryer P. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Andrea P., mother of the student. Appellant, and Tara Oien, friend of the family and Wilton school board member, participated in the meeting via Zoom. Appellant was notified that board member Whaley had recused herself from the hearing. (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to enter executive session to discuss current litigation. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to leave executive session. 


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented August 31, 2023, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and baseball sport report.  

CROSS COUNTRY STATE QUALIFYING SITES — Assistant Director Umthun presented the 2024 state qualifying cross country meet sites. 

FALL GOLF DISTRICT ASSIGNMENTS — Director of Officials Curtis provided the team assignments for the fall golf district tournaments. 

2025 STATE WRESTLING GRAND MARCH ESCORTS — Director of Officials Curtis shared Kevin Dresser, Doug Schwab and Tom Brands will lead the Grand March at the 2025 State Wrestling Tournament.  

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Cook-Earleywine to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


POSTSEASON FOOTBALL MANUAL — Assistant Director Chizek presented the 2024 Postseason Football Manual. (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

POSTSEASON FALL GOLF MANUAL — Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2024 Postseason Fall Golf Manual. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024-25 OFFICIALS MANUAL — Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2024-25 Officials Manual. (MM-S) Whaley-Durflinger to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 IHSAA FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME — Communications Director Cuellar presented the following names for induction into the IHSAA Football Hall of Fame: Chanse Creekmur, Marshalltown; Jeff Criswell, Lynnville-Sully; Jon McLaughlin, Sigourney/Keota; RJ Meyer, Central Lyon/George-Little Rock; Luke Vander Sanden, West Lyon; and Brandon Wegher, Bishop Heelan Catholic, Sioux City. (MM-S) Schwamman-Earleywine to accept the nominees as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH BOUND — Executive Director Keating presented a one-year memo of understanding with Bound for the 2024-25 school year. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to accept the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Executive Director Keating shared the most recent fall sports ejection report.

2) The administrative staff shared the fall sports online rules meeting memos.

3) Executive Director Keating shared the list of schools that did not have an ejection during the 2023-24 school year.

4) Executive Director Keating provided the list of schools that had three or more ejections during the 2023-24 school year.

5) Executive Director Keating presented a summary of the Section 4/5 meeting he attended in Fargo, North Dakota.

6) Executive Director Keating shared the list of Head Strong Concussion Insurance Claims as of August 1, 2024.

7) Executive Director Keating recapped the Representative Council Meeting.

8) Executive Director Keating reminded the group of the upcoming Board of Control elections.

9) Assistant Director Umthun shared information relative to the 2025 state baseball sites.

10) Assistant Director Umthun shared the agenda for the September 18 student advisory committee meeting.

11) Assistant Director Umthun provided the Special Olympics Iowa Unified Champion Schools toolkit.

12) Assistant Director Tharp provided a recap of the soccer advisory committee held September 11.

13) Executive Director Keating shared the NFHS catastrophic injury and fatality report.

14) Executive Director Keating shared the NFHS participation survey results.

15) Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Chizek presented a request from Postville regarding football classification for the 2025/2026 district cycle.

16) The board discussed the decision of moving all classes of golf to the fall. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held October 17, 2024 at the IHSAA Office in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 11:00 a.m. 

l, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday, September 13, 2024. 

AUGUST 22, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 22, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook, and Steve Pettit. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek; Communications Director Chris Cuellar and Director of Finance Jess Morgan.  

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 


POSTSEASON VIDEO ACCESS POLICY – Communications Director Cuellar presented a revised postseason video access policy for the 2024-25 school year.  (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to approve the policy as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Executive Director Keating reminded the board of the Department of Education hearing on sharing agreements scheduled for later today.

2) Executive Director Keating shared a recent eligibility decision rendered by the Department of Education.

3) Executive Director Keating shared the Section 4 and 5 meeting will be held in Fargo, North Dakota August 27-30.  

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 8:10 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, August 22, 2024. 

AUGUST 12, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 12, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Johnston – Barek S. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Tiffany and Russell S., parents of the student. Appellants and Patrick Payton, appellants’ legal counsel, participated in the meeting. All participants were informed that Board Member Pettit recused himself from the hearing. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 8:50 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Monday, August 12, 2024. 

AUGUST 9-10, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 9 and 10, 2024, at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Burlington, Iowa, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Rod Earleywine (Friday only), Barb Schwamman, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Legal Counsel Brian Humke was also present (Saturday only). 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve the June 3, June 10, July 9, July 11 and July 18, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.  

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Earleywine-Schwamman to enter executive session to discuss current litigation. Motion carried unanimously.  (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to leave executive session. Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Executive Director Keating shared with the IHSAA Board of Control information, including terms, committees, contact information and important dates.

2) Assistant Director Tharp discussed the upcoming new administrator/athletic director workshop on August 14.

3) Assistant Director Tharp presented a memo sent to member school administrators regarding the concussion course requirement.

4) Assistant Director Chizek provided a list of Friend of School Awards for the 2023-24 school year.

5) Executive Director Keating shared the joint committee meeting minutes from its July 1 meeting.

6) Assistant Director Umthun led a discussion on state baseball options for 2025.

7) Executive Director Keating shared the Headstrong Concussion insurance claims as of July 1, 2024.

8) Executive Director Keating shared Headstrong Concussion insurance information from Dissinger-Reed.

9) Executive Director Keating presented a draft of the 2024-25 priorities.

10) The administrative staff led a discussion on the state wrestling tournament.

11) The administrative staff led a discussion on the state basketball tournament format.

12) The administrative staff led a discussion on the state soccer tournament format.

13) The administrative staff led a discussion on current coach-athlete contact rules.

14) The administrative staff led a discussion on potentially sanctioning flag football.

15) The administrative staff led a discussion on potentially sanctioning powerlifting.

16) Assistant Director Umthun presented a copy of the preliminary cross country classifications.   


2024-25 INSURANCE RENEWALS – Executive Director Keating presented insurance renewals for the Concussion Insurance, Post Season Tournament Play Policy, Property, Automobile, Inland Marine, Worker’s Compensation, General Liability, Crime, Umbrella Liability, Cyber Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Violent Event, Directors and Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability coverage. 

2024-25 IHSAA HANDBOOK AND FALL SPORTS MANUAL – The administrative staff presented the 2024-25 Handbook and respective 2024 Fall Sports Manuasl.  

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS  (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed.  Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT  Executive Director Keating presented June 30, 2024 statement of financial position and statement of budgetary activities. (MM-S) Cook-Durflinger to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   

2024-25 BOARD OF CONTROL CALENDAR – Executive Director Keating presented the Board of Control a draft meeting schedule for 2024-25. A change in date for the December meeting was needed due to the ISFLC Conference already scheduled on the proposed meeting date. (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to approve the meeting schedule with the December meeting now scheduled for December 20. Motion carried unanimously.   

2024-25 METHOD OF PAIRING – Executive Director Keating discussed the old method of pairing when not specified by specific sport manuals. With all manuals having a specific pairing method stated, the three-year rotation is no longer needed. (MM-S) Earleywine-Pettit to use the method of pairing as stated in each of the specific sport manuals for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried unanimously.   

2024-25 IHSAA BOARD OF CONTROL ELECTION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – Executive Director Keating presented the following names as appointments to the IHSAA Board of Control Election Committee: Joe Stutting, North Scott; Chris Fenster, Southwest Valley; Kevin Wood, Sioux Central, Sioux Rapids. (MM-S) Schwamman-Whaley to accept the committee appointments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Chairperson Crozier recessed the Board at 11:00 am, Friday, August 9, 2024. 

The Board reconvened at 8:00 am on Saturday, August 10, 2024. 


JOINT TRACK AND FIELD ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Chizek presented the minutes and two recommendations from the Joint Track and Field Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended: 1) To modify the policy to only require a first place tie to be broken if there are three or more competitors/relays involved with the tie in Classes 2A, 3A and 4A. 2) To assign the top third seeded athletes on the top waterfall at the state meet in races that utilize a double waterfall start. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve both recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024-25 IHSAA LEGAL COUNSEL APPOINTMENT – Executive Director Keating noted the requirement of the IHSAA Board of Control policies to annually appoint legal counsel for the IHSAA. (MM-S) Whaley-Pettit to appoint Brian Humke of Nyemaster Goode, PC to serve as legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously. 

TENNIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Umthun presented the minutes and two recommendations from the Tennis Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended: 1) To require UTR for roster and stat entry for Class 2A and for roster entry only for Class 1A. 2) To implement the super tiebreaker rather than a full third set in all rounds of all IHSAA tournament events. (MM-S) Pettit-Durflinger to approve both recommendations. Motion carried unanimously.   

GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Executive Director Keating presented the minutes and two recommendations from the Golf Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended 1) to advance three teams to the next round of the postseason, regardless of the placing of the host school. 2) To provide trophies to the top eight schools at the state meet. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve recommendation 1 and to deny recommendation 2. Motion carried unanimously.    

FALL GOLF DISTRICT SITES – Executive Director Keating presented the sites for the 2024 district fall golf tournaments. Team assignments will be made at a later date. (MM-S) Durflinger- Schwamman to accept the sites as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

JOINT BOWLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Elsberry presented the minutes and four recommendations from the Joint Bowling Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended: 1) To direct staff to develop the concept of a split season/state tournament in the same 16 week footprint for boys and girls. 2) To bowl out to 8th place in the state individual tournament. 3)To require varsity programs to set a six-competitor roster prior to the start of competition. 4) To allow a substitution at any point during competition from the six-competitor roster. (MM-S) Wiebers-Pettit to approve all four recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. 

NFHS BASKETBALL RULE CHANGE ADOPTION – Assistant Director Tharp shared the NFHS is allowing states that utilize the 35-second shot clock to not enforce the closely guarded rule. (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to adopt the rule that allows states to not enforce the closely guarded rule as a result of the shot clock implementation. Motion carried unanimously.  

CLASS 1A, 2A AND 3A GOLF SEASON – Executive Director Keating provided materials on moving all classes of boys golf to the fall. (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to move all classes of boys golf to the fall season starting in the 2025-26 school year. Motion carried unanimously.  

APPROVAL OF JOINT SPORTS MEDICINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Tharp presented the names and positions of the initial sports medicine advisory committee. All four organizations are also part of this body. During discussion, many IHSAA board members would like to see a mental health expert be a part of the committee. (MM-S) Wiebers-Schwamman to approve the creation of the Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. Motion carried unanimously.  


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared the IASB conference registration is now available. Schools should have already received legislative priorities from the organization.  

I.H.S.A.D.A. REPORT – Board member Cook reported the IHSADA had a successful golf outing during the SAI Conference and the new athletic director workshop is scheduled for August 14 in Boone. In addition, nine former athletic directors have been hired to mentor new athletic directors this school year. 

IOWA ACHIEVE REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry shared state soccer was added to the Achieve Together program this spring. During the 2023-24 school year, over 2000 elementary and junior high students attended a state event as part of the program. 

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES & OUTREACH REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry provided a brief synopsis of the NFHS Student Leadership Conference that he and a students representing IASC and SAC attended in Indianapolis in July.  

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS REPORT  Executive Director Keating shared web site and social media analytics from the summer and recapped the summer intern program. A draft of the 2024-25 Postseason Video Access Policy was distributed. 

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS  REPORT  Executive Director Keating shared registration numbers of the 2023-24 school year. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held September 13, 2024 at the IHSAA Office in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 9:00 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday and Saturday, August 9 and 10, 2024. 

Minutes are posted following approval at next board meeting.

JULY 18, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met July 18, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Steve Pettit, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 9:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Des Moines, East – Robert T. – Scholarship Rule 36.15(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Diane T, mother and guardian of student. Appellant, Robert, T., student; Susan Lawrence, special education consultant at Des Moines East and Focus High School; and Katy Beary, licensed social worker, participated in the hearing. (MM-S) Wiebers-Earleywine that in accordance with 36.15(2), the appeal requesting an extension of eligibility be denied.  Motion carried 3-1 with Pettit voting nay.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 10:20 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, July 18, 2024. 

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director  

JULY 11, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met July 11, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, Steve Pettit, Brent Cook and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 8:35 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Pekin – Brady M. – Scholarship Rule 36.15(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Phil Parsons, student’s attorney. Brady M., appellant, Shannon and Cindy M., parents of student, and Phil Parson, student’s attorney, participated in the hearing. All participants were informed that Board Member Crozier recused himself from the hearing. (MM-S) Wiebers-Pettit that in accordance with 36.15(2), the appeal requesting an extension of eligibility be denied.  Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 9:15 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, July 11, 2024. 

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director  

JULY 9, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met July 9, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Steve Pettit and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 9:45 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Kuemper Catholic – Brayton A. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Ben A., father of the student. Ben A., appellant; Ashley A., mother of student, Brayton A., student; and Casey Berlau, Carroll superintendent, participated in the meeting. All participants were informed that Board Member Wiebers recused himself from the hearing. (MM-S) Earleywine-Whaley that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 10:45 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, July 9, 2024. 

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director

JUNE 10, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met June 10, 2024, at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dr. Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Dr. Rod Earleywine, Barb Schwamman, Dave Wiebers, Eric St.Clair (non-voting). Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating, Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, and Andy Umthun. Director of Officials Lewie Curtis and Director of Finance Jessica Morgan.  

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:30 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to approve the agenda with revisions. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Whaley-Durflinger to approve the April 24, May 16, and June 3, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 


HEADSTRONG CONCUSSION INSURANCE RENEWAL – Review of the insurance as provided by Dissinger-Reed with the rate continuation staying the same in 2024-25.  

FALL GOLF MANUAL – Review of the regular season manual as provided by Director of Officials Lewie Curtis.  

WAIVER OF FEES FOR FIRST YEAR OFFICIALS WITHIN REFREPS – Proposal to waive fees for first year officials (students) who complete a RefReps  course in a specific sport starting with the 2024-2025 school year. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed.  Motion carried unanimously.  


2024-2025 IHSAA BUDGET – Executive Director Keating and Director of Finance Morgan presented the minutes and recommendations of the IHSAA Budget Committee. (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to receive the minutes and to approve the recommendations of the IHSAA Budget Committee. Motion carried unanimously. 

FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented the most recent financial statements and reports. (MM-S) Whaley-Durflinger to accept the reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA SWIMMING COACHES ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Executive Director Keating presented the minutes of the Swimming Advisory Committee. The Swimming Advisory Committee met April 16, 2024 and submitted four recommendations for the Board’s consideration: 1) To create a regular season state qualifying time standard equal to the five-year average of 12th place at the state meet. 2) To no longer use the relay takeoff equipment. 3) To allow relay leadoff performances to count towards the state event record retroactively. 4) To allow schools to enter a non-scoring B relay made up of previously entered athletes to be contested prior to the A relay. (MM-S) Whaley-Durflinger to receive the minutes and approve recommendations 2 and 3 and deny the other two recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA BASKETBALL COACHES ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Tharp presented the minutes of the Basketball Advisory Committee. The IHSAA Basketball Coaches Advisory Committee met May 1, 2024 and submitted three recommendations for the Board’s consideration: 

1) Forward for joint committee review and approval per state adoption of the 35 second clock, the elimination the closely guarded count while the offensive player is dribbling the ball. 2) Substate final contests in Classes 3A and 4A to be played at the site of the higher seeded team determined by the IHSAA. Class 1A and Class 2A district final and substate final contests will continue to be played at neutral sites. 3) Create a rotating schedule at the state tournament to avoid one class continually playing three games in three days. (MM-S) Whaley-Wiebers to receive the minutes and approve the recommendations. Motion carried 6-1. 

JUNIOR HIGH ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Executive Director Keating presented the minutes of the Junior High Advisory Committee which met June 3, 2024. There were two recommendations:  

1) Eliminate the start time policy requiring junior high competitions to begin between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm. 2) Allow schools to seek a waiver to begin the junior high fall season the Wednesday of week 7. (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to accept the minutes and approve the recommendations with the amendment to remove the waiver and simply allow schools to begin the junior high fall season the Wednesday of week 7. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 BASEBALL CLASSIFICATIONS – Assistant Director Umthun presented the baseball classifications for the 2024 postseason tournament. (MM-S) Wiebers-Schwamman to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 CLASS 4A GOLF CLASSIFICATION – Director of Officials Curtis presented the golf classifications for the 2024 fall season. (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CONTRACTS – Executive Director Keating provided the contracts for Assistant Directors Elsberry, Tharp, Chizek, and Umthun for the 2024-25 year. (MM-S) Earleywine-Pettit to approve the contracts for Assistant Directors as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

OFFICIALS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Director of Officials Curtis presented the minutes of the Officials Advisory Committee which met on May 6, 2024. There were no formal recommendations submitted for the Board’s consideration. (MM-S) Wiebers-Whaley to accept the minutes from the committee meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 

NFHS NETWORK EXTENSION – Executive Director Keating presented the NFHS Network’s request that network states agree to a rolling “ten-year” extension of the Media Rights Agreement with NFHS Network Holdco. In February, the IHSAA was served notice that Holdco exercised its option to extend the original Media Rights Agreement with states to 2033 (previously 2028) and has also asked states to agree to a ten-year rolling extension. The extension would mean the agreement would extend beyond 2033 and if IHSAA chose to end the agreement, there would still be nine years remaining before the sunset of the agreement. (MM-S) Durflinger-Pettit to deny the NFHS Network request to sign the ten-year rolling extension. Motion carried unanimously. 


DOE Report – Board member St. Clair shared an overview of the legislative session and information about open enrollment dates. Also discussed were DOE changes related to consolidation and the ongoing work of the department. 

IASB REPORT – Board member Whaley shared information regarding the 2nd Annual IASB Summit on Student Success which aims to inspire and inform school board teams. Also discussed were current board openings.  

IHSADA REPORT – Board member Cook submitted a written report detailing the IHSADA’s Partnership with IGHSAU-IHSAA to begin a more formal Mentor Leadership Program which will provide support for new AD’s around the state.  The IHSADA accepted mentor applications from recently retired AD’s and plans to have those individuals in place later in June.  Additionally, the turnover of AD’s continues to be high across the state. In other matters, Cook reported that he had been asked to fill the remaining time for Iowa’s slot on the NIAAA Board of Directors (previous Iowa appointee needed to step away from the role).  Cook reported that he would be involved in sectional meetings as the Iowa representative and would be attending national board meetings as part of the new appointment.  

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES & OUTREACH REPORT – Assistant Director Elsberry provided information on the IHSAA’s continued work with the Center for Violence Prevention (UNI) as well as continued work on Conference Connections/Council Connections as part of Achieve Student Services. In addition, Elsberry will chaperone a student delegation to the NFHS National Student Leadership Summit in Indianapolis in late July.  

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS REPORT  Director of Communications Cuellar supplied a written report on the IHSAA intern program, IHSAA podcast, pending website updates, and website analytics for the IHSAA.  

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT  Director of Officials Curtis outlined the number of currently registered officials in all sports along with a specific breakout on officials in baseball.  

TECHNOLOGY REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry outlined upcoming technology upgrades to the IHSAA office including scheduled laptop upgrades as well as upgrades to the scanning devices utilized in digital ticketing.  


1) Executive Director Keating shared information sent to the membership about the IHSAA Annual Meeting.

2) A preliminary itinerary for the August Board Retreat was shared with Board and staff.

3) An overview of the NFHS Summer Meeting with a general schedule was shared with Board and staff.

4) Executive Director Keating shared information regarding the Head Strong Concussion Insurance Claims.

5) Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Tharp shared information on the NFHS guidance regarding Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) and utilizing it as the standard for measuring heat stress. Information will be shared with member schools for upcoming sport seasons.

6) Executive Director Keating shared an update about pending conference mediation involving three member schools.

7) Executive Director Keating shared a proposed change from the DOE involving coop sharing agreements and the eligibility of students already involved in a coop at a member school who then starts a program in that given sport.  

 NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held August 9 and 10, 2024, in Burlington.  

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 9:45 a.m. 

l, Chad Elsberry, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Monday, June 10, 2024. 

Chad Elsberry 

Assistant Director 

JUNE 3, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met June 3, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook, Dave Wiebers, Steve Pettit and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 9:30 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Clear Lake – CJ L. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Jeff and Stacey L., parents of the student. Jeff L. participated in the meeting. (MM-S) Cook-Wiebers that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried 4-2 with Pettit and Earleywine voting nay.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chairperson Whaley at 9:25 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Monday, June 3, 2024. 

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director  

MAY 16, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met May 16, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dr. Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Director Todd Tharp. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel.

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m.

BOARD OF CONTROL RULING – (1) Cedar Rapids Prairie – Coach CL – pursuant to letter from Prairie H.S. Athletic Director Rocky Bennett on behalf of CL appealing penalty for receiving two red cards in the sport of soccer in three years. Rocky B., Roderick W., and Andrew D. appeared in support of appeal. (MM-S) Earleywine-Whaley that in accordance with Item 9 in the Contest Information, Rule Clarification & Modifications section of the 2024 Soccer Regular Season Manual, eligibility be denied. Motion carried 4-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 8:37 a.m.

I, Tom Keating, Executive Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, May 16, 2024.

Tom Keating

Executive Director

APRIL 24, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met April 24, 2024 at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Barb Schwamman, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Andy Umthun, Chad Elsberry and Jared Chizek; Director of Officials Lewie Curtis, Director of Finance Jessica Morgan and Communications Director Chris Cuellar.

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:30 a.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to add an item regarding CISN streaming the quarterfinals of the state soccer tournament to the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook to approve the March 7 and March 21, 2024 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously.

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Pettit-Durflinger to proceed into Executive Session to discuss current litigation. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to exit executive session.


2024-25 UNIFIED ACTIVITIES CALENDAR – Executive Director Keating presented the 2024-25 Unified Activities Calendar.

STATE QUALIFYING TRACK AND FIELD MANUAL – Assistant Director Chizek provided the state qualifying track and field manual.

SPRING GOLF POSTSEASON MANUAL – Director of Officials Curtis presented the spring golf postseason manual.  

TENNIS POSTSEASON MANUAL – Assistant Director Umthun provided the tennis postseason manual.

BASEBALL POSTSEASON MANUAL – Assistant Director Umthun presented the baseball postseason manual.

HUB AGREEMENT FOR CONCUSSION INSURANCE – Executive Director Keating provided the annual agreement to provide concussion insurance to student-athletes.

2023-24 BEDS DOCUMENT – Executive Director Keating presented the BEDS Document that will be used for classification for the 2024-25 school year. In case of ties in enrollment, the first alphabetical school goes into the larger classification.

SOCCER POSTSEASON MANUAL – Executive Director Keating presented the soccer postseason manual.

CISN AGREEMENT – Communications Director Cuellar presented an agreement with CISN to provide a free stream for the state quarterfinals of the state soccer tournament.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS  (MM-S) Schwamman-Pettit to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed.  Motion carried unanimously.


FINANCIAL REPORT  Director of Finance Morgan presented March 31, 2024 financial statements including the Detailed Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Budgetary Activities, Total Revenue and Expense of Athletic Event Activities for the winter sports and a Quarterly Investment Report. (MM-S) Pettit-Whaley to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

IHSAA WRESTLING ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Director of Officials Curtis presented the minutes and recommendations of the IHSAA Wrestling Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee made one recommendation. 1) To grant the 2-pound growth allowance on January 1 for all contestants without a scratch weight requirement. A wrestler’s Minimum Weight Class (MWC) will not change because of the growth allowance. (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to receive the minutes and to approve the recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.

2024 NFHS SUMMER MEETING – Executive Director Keating presented the meeting schedule and preliminary IHSAA delegation schedule for the NFHS Summer Meeting. The Board also received the Executive Director’s recommendation regarding meeting expenses. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to approve the summer meeting schedule and expense recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.

DISTRICT TENNIS ASSIGNMENTS – Assistant Director Umthun presented the 2024 district tennis assignments. (MM-S) Wiebers-Cook to approve the assignments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

POSTSEASON GOLF ASSIGNMENTS – Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2024 postseason golf assignments. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to approve the assignments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2024 SOCCER CLASSIFICATIONS – Executive Director Keating presented the 2024 soccer classifications. (MM-S) Wiebers-Schwamman to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

HEAT GUIDELINES – Assistant Director Chizek presented information relative the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature for heat guidelines. (MM-S) Whaley-Cook to adopt the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature method for heat guidance starting no later than the start of the 2024-25 fall season. Motion carried unanimously.

WEBSITE UPDATE REQUEST – Communication Director Cuellar presented a proposal from Webspec to upgrade and refresh the IHSAA web site prior to the 2024-25 school year. (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve the proposal as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


D.O.E. REPORT – Executive Director Keating presented a written report from Board member St. Clair covering SF6378 (charter school eligibility) and HF2553 (cooperative sharing agreements).

I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared May is School Board Appreciation Month.

I.H.S.A.D.A. REPORT – Board member Cook provided a summary of the recently held state convention.

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS REPORT  Director of Communications Cuellar presented analytics from the IHSAA web site and social media platforms for the first three months of 2024 and shared the IHSAA has hired three communication interns for the summer.  

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry presented a recap on the 2024 District IASC Leadership Conferences held across the state.

2024 GOVERNOR’S SCHOLAR RECOGNITION PROGRAM  Assistant Director Elsberry shared information about the upcoming governor’s scholar program.

2023-24 SPORT EJECTION REPORT  Director of Officials Curtis presented the spring sports ejection report for the 2024 season.

TECHNOLOGY REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry shared that the IHSAA updated its walk-up copiers.

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT  Director of Officials Curtis shared registration numbers through April 1.


1) Executive Director Keating discussed the plans for the June Board meeting.

2) Executive Director Keating shared additional information about the NFHS Summer Meeting.

3) Executive Director Keating and Chairperson Crozier presented information regarding the August Board Retreat in Burlington.

4) Executive Director Keating presented a draft of the 2024-25 board event and meeting calendar.

5) Communications Director Cuellar presented correspondence sent to all member schools regarding the 2022-23 Annual Report.

6) Executive Director Keating provided information regarding the number of insurance claims filed under the Head Strong Insurance program as of April 1.

7) Executive Director Keating discussed the NCAA Basketball June Showcase Event.

8) The administrative staff discussed its presentation from the IHSADA state convention.

9) Executive Director Keating summarized the NFHS Summit and Legal Meeting held earlier this month in Indianapolis.

10) Executive Director Keating shared rules meeting reminders sent to member schools.

11) Assistant Director Umthun shared a preliminary classification for the 2024 baseball season.

12) Assistant Director Chizek presented an idea regarding the current 8-player football enrollment exception.

13) Executive Director Keating shared soccer memos that had been sent to member schools.

14) Executive Director Keating discussed the recently held joint staff meeting with the IGHSAU.

15) Executive Director Keating shared five years of ejection report data.

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held June 10, 2024 at the IHSAA Offices in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 10:40 a.m.

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

Jared Chizek

Assistant Director    

MARCH 7, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met March 7, 2024 at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center in Des Moines, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Barb Schwamman, Brent Cook, Rod Earleywine and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating, Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Jared Chizek, and Andy Umthun and Director of Officials Lewie Curtis. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:30 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to add a discussion and information item relative to Chapter 36 and 37 of the Iowa Code to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Pettit-Earleywine to approve the January 25, 2024 and February 13, 2024, minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to move to Executive Session to discuss current litigation.  (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to move out of Executive Session. 


2024 CHARACTER COUNTS COACH OF THE YEAR – Assistant Director Elsberry presented Sam Anderson of Urbandale High School as the 2024 IHSAA Character Counts Coach of the Year. 

SPRING AND SUMMER SPORTS MANUALS – IHSAA Assistant Directors and Sport Administrators presented the 2024 Regular Season manuals for Golf, Tennis, Track and Field, Soccer and Baseball. 

NFHS NETWORK EXTENSION – Executive Director Keating shared the NFHS Network Holdings, LLC extended its Master Rights Agreement with NFHS Network, LLC to July 31, 2033. 

ALLIANT POWERHOUSE CONTRACT FOR SUBSTATE BASKETBALL – Assistant Director Tharp provided the contract agreement between the IHSAA and Alliant Powerhouse to host substate basketball. 

DES MOINES PARKS AND RECREATION LETTER REGARDING STATE SOCCER – Assistant Director Tharp presented a letter sent to Des Moines Parks and Recreation about moving the state soccer semifinals and finals from Cownie to Drake University. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Pettit-Cook to approve consent item as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


2024 SPRING GOLF CLASSIFICATIONS – Director of Officials Lewie Curtis presented the classifications for the 2024 Spring Golf season.  (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to approve classifications.  Motion carried unanimously. 

JOINT CROSS COUNTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES & RECOMMENDATIONS – Assistant Director Umthun presented the minutes and recommendation from the Joint Cross Country Advisory Committee.  The committee recommended allowing teams to walk the course on the Thursday prior to the state meet. (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to deny the recommendation of the Joint Classification Committee.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 AUDITOR ENGAGEMENT LETTER – Executive Director Keating presented the annual auditor engagement letter for approval.  (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve the 2024 auditor engagement letter.  Motion carried unanimously. 

WEEK 0 FOOTBALL – Assistant Director Chizek shared Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson lost its Week 2 opponent as a result of playing an out of state school. As a result, Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson is requesting to play Atlantic in Week 0.  (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman approve the Week 0 game between Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson and Atlantic.  Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Director of Officials Curtis provided an updated list of 2023-24 winter sports ejections.

2) Assistant Director Elsberry shared notifications which were sent to member schools regarding the 2024 IHSAA Governor’s Scholar Event.

3) Assistant Director Chizek presented the NFHS Football rules changes for 2024.

4) Assistant Director Tharp presented the NFHS Soccer rules changes for 2024.

5) Executive Director Keating presented the monthly Headstrong Concussion Insurance claims as of March 1, 2024.

6) Executive Director Keating presented the March 8 IHSAA Representative Council meeting agenda.

7) Executive Director Keating presented the 2024 State Basketball Tournament Awards Schedule.

8) Assistant Director Andy Umthun presented a summary Student Advisory Committee meeting.

9) Assistant Director Tharp presented 2023 preliminary Soccer classifications.

10) Executive Director Keating shared a preliminary draft of the 2023-24 Board of Control calendar.

11) Assistant Director Chizek discussed junior high eligibility rules.

12) Executive Director Keating shared a draft of the proposed changes to Chapter 36 and 37 of the Iowa Code. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held April 24, 2024 at the IHSAA office in Boone, Iowa. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 9:35 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Executive Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, March 7, 2024. 

Jared Chizek 

Assistant Director 

FEBRUARY 13, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met February 13, 2024 virtually, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp and Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 1:00 p.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Des Moines, Roosevelt – Aggrieved Member School – Ineligible Athlete Participation and Forfeiture of Contests – Pursuant to a letter received from Andrew Wade, Des Moines, Roosevelt activities director. Appellant participated in the hearing. (MM-S) Cook-Wiebers to uphold the decision of the IHSAA administrative staff and to forfeit eight basketball contests.  Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 1:25 p.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, February 13, 2024.  

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director  

JANUARY 25, 2024

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met January 25, 2024 at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Brent Cook, Rod Earleywine, Dave Wiebers and Eric St. Clair (non-voting). Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating, Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Jared Chizek and Andy Umthun, Director of Finance Jessica Morgan, Director of Officials Lewis Curtis and Communications Director Chris Cuellar. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

 CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 8:30 a.m. 

 ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Prairie, Cedar Rapids – Tyler S. – Scholarship Rule 36.15(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Rocky Bennett, Prairie activities director. Appellant, Tyler S., student, Jennifer S., mother of student, Spence Evans, Prairie high school principal, Andrew Davis, Prairie assistant activities director and Bill Schwarz, Prairie track and field coach participated in the meeting. They were informed Board Members Cook and St. Clair had recused themselves from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger that in accordance with 36.15(2), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

 APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Board member Durflinger asked to add an information and discussion item relative to district basketball to the agenda. (MM-S) Earleywine-Pettit to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to approve the December 12, 2023 minutes.  Motion carried unanimously.  

 EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to enter into executive session to discuss current litigation. Motion carried unanimously. Pettit-Durflinger to exit executive session. Motion carried unanimously.  

 BOARD OF CONTROL WORK SESSION – The Board of Control entered a special work session to review the IHSAA and IHSAA Achieve Foundation 990 tax returns and to sign Conflict of Interest statements. Each Board of Control member received a complete copy of the IHSAA and the IHSAA Achieve Foundation 990 tax returns.  


 2024 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT MANUAL  Assistant Director Tharp presented the 2024 Postseason Basketball Manual. 

 2024 DISTRICT SWIMMING SITES & ASSIGNMENTS – Assistant Director Chizek provided the 2024 district swimming sites and assignments.  

 APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Cook-Earleywine to approve the consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.   


FINANCIAL REPORT  Director of Finance Morgan presented December 31, 2023, financial statements including the Detailed Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Budgetary Activities and Quarterly Investment Report. (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to approve the financial report as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously.   

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES– Director of Finance Morgan presented the minutes from the investment committee on December 12, 2023.  (MM-S) Pettit-Cook to receive the committee’s meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.   

2022-23 IHSAA ANNUAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented the 2022-23 Annual Report. The annual report will be shared and discussed with the Representative Council at their March meeting. (MM-S) Wiebers-Durflinger to approve the annual report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 STATE QUALIFYING BOWLING SITES– Assistant Director Elsberry presented the state qualifying bowling meet sites. (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to approve the sites and assignments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   

2024 TENNIS CLASSIFICATIONS – Assistant Director Umthun presented the classifications to be used for the 2024 tennis season. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to approve the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 OFFICIALS HALL OF FAME – Communications Director Cuellar presented the minutes from the January 22 Officials Hall of Fame Committee meeting. The committee recommends the following officials be inducted into the hall of fame: Rich Collison, Algona; Chris Girres, Council Bluffs; Charles Liston, Cedar Rapids; Chris Meinecke, Maquoketa; Jim Molitor, Carroll; Joe Nelson, Clarion; Chris Oberbroeckling, Marion; and Rollie Wiebers, Dunlap. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to approve the committee’s recommendations as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

DRAKE UNIVERSITY STATE SOCCER CONTRACT – Assistant Director Tharp presented a contract from Drake University to host the state soccer semifinals and finals on campus from 2024 through 2027. (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA FOOTBALL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES & RECOMMENDATIONS – Assistant Director Chizek presented the minutes from the Football Advisory Committee and the committee’s seven recommendations. The committee recommended 1) if a school forfeits any regular season game due to lack of available players, the school is ineligible for the postseason. In addition, schools in 8-player, Class A, 1A and 2A cannot participate in a Week 9 non-district contest. 2) To adopt the 17-point tiebreaker for Class 3A and 4A. 3) To adopt the following host criteria in 8-Player, Class A, 1A and 2A: Round of 16 – district finish, head to head, IHSAA ranking, district losses, alphabet draw; Quarterfinals – head to head, IHSAA ranking, district finish, district losses, alphabet draw. 4) To allow a required weight room session outside of the allotted four hour practice window. 5) To allow schools to either practice on the Saturday or Sunday following the first allowable scrimmage date but not both days. 6) To allow four teams to scrimmage each other at the same site. 7) To use 7-person officiating crews in the semifinals and finals in all classes. (MM-S) Whaley-Earleywine to accept the minutes and to approve all seven recommendations. Motion carried unanimously.  

JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES  Executive Director Keating presented the meeting minutes and recommendations from the joint committee meeting held December 11. The committee recommended 1) to appoint Brandon Brooks, Ottumwa, and Ashley Woods, Clarinda, to the bowling advisory committee. 2) to approve the expansion of the adaptive track and field program. 3) To appoint Cody Eichmeier, Dike-New Hartford, and Jim Nichols, Storm Lake, to the track and field advisory committee. 4) To increase the state track and field reimbursement to $18 per competitor. 5) To appoint Colin Shawgo, ACGC, to the cross country advisory committee.  (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to approve all five recommendations as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – Assistant Director Elsberry presented the following names for appointment to their respective advisory committee: Tennis – Ryan Isgrig, Marshalltown. Golf – Mike Linde, Van Meter. Soccer – Ben Bouza, West Sioux. Swimming – Shawn Thomsen, Cedar Rapids, Kennedy. Junior High – Jake Lord, Clarinda; Jake McCullough, Columbus Community. (MM-S) Durflinger-Whaley to approve the advisory committee appointments as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 


D.O.E. REPORT – Board member St. Clair discussed a number of bills that have been introduced in the first weeks of the legislative session. 

I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared the organization is offering webinars to its members on January 30 and February 7. IASB’s Day on the Hill is February 13. 

I.H.S.A.D.A. REPORT – Board member Cook shared the state convention will be held in Coralville March 22 through 25. 

LET’S CONNECT CONFERENCE – Assistant Directors Elsberry and Chizek and Communications Director Cuellar shared their experience at the recent Let’s Connect Conference held in Chicago.  

NFHS WINTER MEETING REPORT – Executive Director Keating discussed topics from the NFHS Winter Meeting held earlier this month San Francisco. 

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT – Director of Officials Curtis provided up to date registration numbers. 

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR REPORT – Communications Director Cuellar provided web site analytics and shared the website’s new menu feature is in the process of becoming live. 


1) Director of Officials Curtis provided an updated list of 2023-24 winter sports ejections.

2) Executive Director Keating provided a preliminary schedule for the 2024 NFHS Summer Meeting.

3) Executive Director Keating provided information regarding the number of insurance claims filed under the Head Strong Insurance program as of January 1.

4) Executive Director Keating shared the NFHS State Coaches of the Year.

5) Executive Director Keating shared Jim Pfeifer from Milford has been named the Section 4 NFHS Active Official of the Year.

6) Assistant Director Tharp shared current plans for state basketball halftimes.

7) Chairperson Crozier and Executive Director Keating discussed the August board retreat.

8) The IHSAA staff led a discussion on the current ejection policy.

9) Executive Director Keating provided correspondence from Shenandoah regarding the use of an ineligible athlete during a basketball game.

10) Assistant Director Umthun provided an update on the coach-athlete contact task force.

11) Board member Durflinger discussed adopting district basketball, similar to what is already done in the sport of football. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 7, 2024 at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines, held in conjunction with the state basketball tournament.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 11:45 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, January 25, 2024. 

Jared Chizek  

Assistant Director  

DECEMBER 12, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met December 12, 2023, at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Andy Crozier, Vice-Chairperson Amanda Whaley, Treasurer Deron Durflinger, Rod Earleywine, Barb Schwamman, Steve Pettit, Brent Cook and Dave Wiebers. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Jared Chizek and Andy Umthun; Director of Officials Lewie Curtis; Communications Director Chris Cuellar and Director of Finance Jessica Morgan.  

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Crozier at 12:00 p.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to add Grand March Escorts to the consent agenda and State Soccer Tournament and Classification Committee Meeting to the information and discussion items. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve the November 17, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Earleywine- Durflinger to proceed into executive session to discuss current litigation. (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to adjourn the Executive Session. 


GRAND MARCH ESCORTS – Director of Officials Curtis presented eight officials to lead the 2024 Grand March at the state wrestling tournament. The eight officials are still currently working and have been named NFHS Officials Association State Official of the Year in the past. 

(MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to accept the consent items as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented November 30, 2023, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and the fall sports report. (MM-S) Schwamman-Wiebers to accept the reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2023-24 IHSAA BASKETBALL CLASSIFICATIONS – Assistant Director Tharp presented the schools, enrollments, and classifications for the 2024 Boys Basketball Tournament. (MM-S) Schwamman-Whaley to accept the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

2023-24 IHSAA BOWLING CLASSIFICATIONS – Assistant Director Elsberry presented the schools, enrollments, and classifications for the 2024 Boys Bowling Tournament. (MM-S) Durflinger-Wiebers to accept the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

DISTRICT SWIMMING SITES – Assistant Director Chizek presented the six sites that will be used for district swimming on February 3. Team assignments will be made the second week in January. (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to approve the sites as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

2024 IHSAA BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME — Communications Director Cuellar presented the minutes from the IHSAA Basketball Hall of Fame Committee. (MM-S) Schwamman-Wiebers to induct the following individuals into the IHSAA Basketball Hall of Fame: Brad Barron, Cedar Falls; Dwight Gingerich, Iowa Mennonite School/Hillcrest Academy; Kent McCausland, Waterloo, West; Bryce Smeins, Steamboat Rock/Lost Nation/Clear Creek-Amana/Washington; Kirk Speraw, Sioux City, North; and Kurt Spomer, Tri-Center. Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 IHSAA WRESTLING HALL OF FAME — Communications Director Cuellar presented the minutes from the IHSAA Wrestling Hall of Fame Committee. (MM-S) Pettit-Earleywine to induct the following individuals into the IHSAA Wrestling Hall of Fame: Cory Clark, Southeast Polk; Jake Marlin, Creston; John Meeks, Des Moines, Roosevelt; Brandon Sorensen, Denver/Tripoli; Mark Chiri, New London; and Jason Christenson, Southeast Polk. Motion carried unanimously. 

POSTSEASON WRESTLING MANUAL – Director of Officials Curtis presented 2024 Postseason Wrestling Manual for approval. (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook to approve the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

SOCCER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION – Assistant Director Tharp re-presented the Soccer Advisory Committee recommendation to allow six coach-led preseason practices starting February 1. (MM-S) Durflinger-Wiebers to deny the recommendation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared February 12 and 13 are IASB’s Days on the Hill. Also, onboarding resources for new board members can be found on the IASB website. 

I.H.S.A.D.A REPORT – Chairperson Cook reported the NIAAA conference is being held in Orlando later this week. Larry Moklestad, former Boone athletic director, will be inducted into the NIAAA Hall of Fame. 

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT – Director of Officials Curtis shared fall sport ejection numbers and information relative to RefReps.  

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/OUTREACH/DEVELOPMENT REPORT – Assistant Director Elsberry shared the Achieve Together program experienced higher numbers this fall at the UNI-Dome compared to last year. He also shared information he gathered at the National Conference of Student Activities held earlier this month in San Francisco.  

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR REPORT – Communications Director Cuellar presented website analytics. Website updates are to be concluded during the holiday break. He and Executive Director Keating will be starting a podcast in January.  


1) Executive Director Keating shared Winter Sports Online Rules Meeting Notifications.

2) Director of Officials Curtis shared wrestling memos.

3) Assistant Director Elsberry shared recent bowling memos.

4) Assistant Director Tharp shared basketball memos sent to member schools.  

5) Assistant Director Chizek shared the first swimming memo.

6) Assistant Director Tharp provided the 2024 State Basketball Schedule.

7) Executive Director Keating shared the Head Strong Insurance Claims as of December 1.

8) Executive Director Keating reviewed topics of discussion at the 11 States Meeting.

9) Assistant Director Chizek previewed the football advisory committee meeting held December 13.

10) Executive Director Keating shared Assistant Director Tharp will be inducted into the IHSADA Hall of Fame in March.

11) Assistant Director Umthun led a discussion regarding the coach-athlete contact task force.

12) Assistant Director Tharp shared information about state soccer and potentially moving later rounds of the tournament to Drake University.

13) Executive Director Keating discussed the upcoming Classification Committee meeting to be held in January. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held January 25, 2024 at the IHSAA Office in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Crozier at 1:30 p.m. 

l, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, December 12, 2023. 

Jared Chizek 

Assistant Director 

OCTOBER 19, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met October 19, 2023, at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Barb Schwamman, Rod Earleywine, Brent Cook and Eric St. Clair (non-voting). Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek, Director of Officials Lewie Curtis, Communications Director Chris Cuellar and Director of Finance Jessica Morgan.  

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 8:15 a.m. 

EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to proceed into executive session to discuss current litigation. (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to adjourn the Executive Session. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Crozier to add a football RPI scenario and state basketball court to information and discussion items. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to approve the September 22 and October 6, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented September 30, 2023, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and quarterly investment statement. 

2023-24 WINTER SPORTS MANUAL — The administrative team presented the sport manuals for basketball, wrestling, swimming and bowling for approval.  

FOOTBALL OFFICIALS SITUATION — Executive Director Keating, Assistant Director Chizek and Director of Officials Curtis provided information regarding a situation regarding a football official at Perry.  

FOOTBALL FORFEITS — Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Chizek shared information relative to Stanton, Mormon Trail and West Harrison forfeiting regular season contests.  

CROSS COUNTRY STATE QUALIFYING MEET ASSIGNMENTS — Assistant Director Umthun presented the state qualifying cross country team assignments. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


2022-23 IHSAA AUDIT — Director of Finance Morgan presented the minutes of the Audit Committee. (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to accept the minutes as presented and receive the audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

SOCCER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS — Assistant Director Tharp presented the soccer advisory committee minutes and recommendation. The committee recommended allowing six coach led practices between February 1 and March 10. The administrative staff asked the recommendation not be acted upon and taken to the joint committee as there is a similar proposal from the girls soccer advisory committee. (MM-S) Schwamman-Cook to receive the committee meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

WEBSITE UPDATE PROPOSAL — Communications Director Cuellar shared a proposal from Webspec to update the IHSAA website, specifically the menu and calendar functions.  (MM-S) Earleywine-Pettit to approve the website update as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

REFREPS AGREEMENT – Assistant Director Tharp and Director of Officials Curtis presented an agreement with RefReps that would allow the IHSAA to share officiating curriculum with interested schools and students.  (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to approve the agreement as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

IHSAA ELECTIONS — Executive Director Keating presented the formal report of the Board of Control election committee and information sent to school administrators regarding the upcoming Representative Council elections. 






Dave Wiebers Principal Denison-Schleswig 21 

Dave Gute Superintendent Fremont-Mills   2 

13 other administrators each received 1 vote 


Steve Pettit Principal Southeast Polk 12 

Jason Wedgbury Principal Cedar Falls   2 

10 other administrators each received 1 vote 

I, Chairperson of the Election Committee for the Board of Control, certify that the above and foregoing is the official report of the Board of Control elections.                                                                                                                                                                                           

 Joe Stutting, Superintendent, North Scott 

Chairperson, Election Committee, Board of Control  

 (MM-S) Cook-Whaley to receive the election committee report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 


I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley shared the state convention is scheduled to be held November 15-17. 

I.H.S.A.D.A REPORT – Board member Cook reported on the recently held district meetings and the upcoming national NIAAA convention to be held in December in Orlando, Florida. He also shared the IHSADA will be offering evaluator training November 16 and 17.  

D.O.E. REPORT – Board member St. Clair shared the Department has started drafting legislative proposals. The Department has finalized protocols for intradistrict transfers and is still in the rules review process of condensing state code. 

DIRECTOR OF OFFICIALS REPORT – Director of Officials Curtis shared the current number of registered officials, clinic opportunities, the Midwest Officials Summit and NFOA award winners. 

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES/OUTREACH/DEVELOPMENT REPORT — Assistant Director Elsberry presented information about Achieve Together, Achieve Scrimmages, the new Mindfulness Card program and the upcoming Student Leadership Conference at Johnston High School. Elsberry also shared information on the new Iowa Farm Bureau title sponsorship contract. 

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR REPORT —Communications Director Cuellar including web site and social media analytics, new PSAs and football officiating training videos. 


1) Director of Officials Curtis shared the most recent fall sports ejection report.

2) Assistant Director Umthun provided information on the upcoming state cross country meet.

3) The administrative staff provided information on the recently held district athletic director meetings.

4) Executive Director Keating shared the Head Strong concussion insurance claims as of October 1.

5) Executive Director Keating provided a summary of the NFHS Section and Board of Directors meeting held earlier this month.

6) Assistant Director Tharp shared a preliminary list of basketball classifications.

7) Director of Officials Curtis shared a preliminary list of wrestling classifications.

8) The administrative staff led a discussion on schools opting up in classification.

9) Executive Director Keating and Director of Officials Curtis shared the NASO Officials Survey results.

10) Executive Director Keating provided the 2022-23 NFHS Injury Surveillance Summary Report.

11) Executive Director Keating and Director of Finance Morgan presented information on the Cedar Falls Tourism grant.

12) Executive Director Keating and Director of Finance Morgan provided current state venue costs for the board to review.

13) Executive Director Keating and Director of Officials Curtis shared a request from Sigourney regarding their wrestling program.

14) Executive Director Keating distributed a summary of fall 2023 eligibility cases.

15) Assistant Director Chizek presented a RPI scenario not covered in the postseason football manual.

16) Assistant Director Tharp shared the IHSAA and IGHSAU have purchased a basketball court for the state tournament.

17) Executive Director Keating led a discussion regarding the extension of the NFHS Network agreement. 

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held November 17, 2023 at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Cedar Falls in conjunction with the State Football Championships. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 11:45 a.m. 

l, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Thursday, October 19, 2023. 

Jared Chizek 

Assistant Director 

OCTOBER 6, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met October 6, 2023, via Zoom, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers (second appeal only), Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier (first appeal only), Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Deron Durflinger, and Brent Cook. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp (second appeal only), Jared Chizek and Andy Umthun. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Crozier at 8:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Johnston – Drake S. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Heather Semelmacher, Johnston activities director. Appellant and Nikki S., mother of student, participated in the meeting. (MM-S) Earleywine-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (2) Columbus Community – Kason D. – Open Enrollment Rule 36.15(4). Pursuant to a letter received from Jake McCullough, Columbus Community High School activities director. Appellant, Dr. Michael Volk, Columbus Community superintendent, Kason D., student, and Brodie and Sara D., parents of the student, participated in the meeting. They were informed Board Member Crozier had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. (MM-S) Earleywine-Durflinger to determine the method of calculating the number of school days. Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 9:50 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday, October 6, 2023. 

SEPTEMBER 22, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met September 22, 2023, at the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) office in Boone, pursuant to notice. Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Rod Earleywine and Barb Schwamman. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Andy Umthun, Chad Elsberry and Jared Chizek; Director of Finance Jessica Morgan; Director of Officials Lewie Curtis and Communications Director Chris Cuellar. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 8:00 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to amend the agenda with the addition of two consent items (change in bank account; New London football situation) and moving 2024 State Baseball Site from information and discussion to an action item. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Earleywine-Pettit to approve the August 4&5, August 22, August 25 and September 5, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 

Eligibility Hearing: (1) Council Bluffs, Thomas Jefferson – James R. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from James and Lavon R., parents of the student. Appellant, James R., student, and Jeremiah Watters, football coach, participated in the meeting via Zoom. (MM-S) Crozier-Pettit that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously. (2) BCLUW, Conrad – Wyatt G. – Scholarship Rule 36.15(2). Pursuant to a letter received from Wyatt G. Appellant, Christian Miller, wrestling coach, and Nick Keller, guardian, participated in the meeting. Appellant was notified that board member Schwamman had recused herself from the hearing. (MM-S) Pettit-Earleywine that in accordance with 36.15(2), eligibility be extended through the 2023-24 school year. Motion carried unanimously. (3) Don Bosco, Gilbertville – Vincent P. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Robert P., father of the student. Appellant and Vincent P., student, participated in the meeting. Appellant was notified that board member Schwamman had recused herself from the hearing. (MM-S) Crozier-Whaley that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT – Director of Finance Morgan presented August 31, 2023, financial statements including the statement of financial position, statement of budgetary activities and baseball sport report.  

CROSS COUNTRY STATE QUALIFYING SITES — Assistant Director Umthun presented the 2023 state qualifying cross country meet sites. 

FALL GOLF DISTRICT ASSIGNMENTS — Director of Officials Curtis provided the team assignments for the fall golf district tournaments. 

CHANGE IN AWARDS FOR INDIVIDUAL STATE CHAMPIONS — Executive Director Keating presented the new awards program for the individual champions in tennis, cross country, bowling and golf. 

CHANGE IN BANK ACCOUNT — Director of Finance Morgan presented a plan to transfer money from Boone Bank and Trust and to open an account at People’s Bank. 

NEW LONDON FOOTBALL SITUATION — Assistant Director Chizek provided an update on the New London football program. 

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS – (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed. Motion carried unanimously. 


POSTSEASON FOOTBALL MANUAL — Assistant Director Chizek presented the 2023 Postseason Football Manual. (MM-S) Crozier-Earleywine to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

POSTSEASON FALL GOLF MANUAL — Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2023 Postseason Fall Golf Manual. (MM-S) Schwamman-Crozier to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2023-24 OFFICIALS MANUAL — Director of Officials Curtis presented the 2023-24 Officials Manual. (MM-S) Crozier-Schwamman to accept the manual as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

2023 IHSAA FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME — Communications Director Cuellar presented the following names for induction into the IHSAA Football Hall of Fame: Dan Dickel, Mid-Prairie, Wellman; Ryan Kock, Southern Cal; James Morris, Solon; Lon Olejniczak, Decorah; Joel Osborn, Harlan; Mark Sindlinger, Charles City. (MM-S) Durflinger-Schwamman to accept the nominees as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

OFFICIALS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES — Director of Officials Curtis presented the minutes from the Officials Advisory Committee. (MM-S) Pettit-Whaley to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

REVISED BOARD MEETING AND EVENT CALENDAR — Executive Director Keating presented a revised Board of Control meeting and event calendar for the 2023-24 school year with changes made to the December and August meeting dates. (MM-S) Pettit-Crozier to approve the calendar changes. Motion carried unanimously.  

GRAND VIEW CHRISTIAN CLASSIFICATION REQUEST — Assistant Director Tharp presented a request from Grand View Christian to participate in the Class 2A basketball postseason tournament for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school year. (MM-S) Crozier-Whaley to approve the request as presented. Motion carried 5-1 with Pettit voting no.  

DONOVAN GROUP CONTRACT — Executive Director Keating presented a revised contract with the Donovan Group for the 2023-24 school year for communication services. (MM-S) Schwamman-Crozier to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

CONTRIBUTION TO DRAKE STADIUM RENOVATION — Executive Director Keating shared a request from Drake seeking a contribution toward renovations to Drake Stadium. A formal recommendation was made to the board to contribute over multiple years. (MM-S) Crozier-Durflinger to support the Drake Stadium renovation project with a contribution from the IHSAA. Motion carried unanimously.  

ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AND POLICY CHANGE — Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Elsberry presented the following names for advisory committee appointment: Football – Jared Jensen, Sigourney-Keota; Baseball – Sheldon Card, Pleasantville, Andy Osborne, Bishop Heelan Catholic, Sioux City; Wrestling – Cody Downing, Creston, Doug Streicher, Linn-Mar, Mark Van Oort, West Sioux. In addition, a recommendation was presented to add an athletic director to each of the advisory committees. (MM-S) Durflinger-Earleywine to approve the appointments and policy change as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

2024 3A/4A STATE BASEBALL SITE —Assistant Director Umthun presented the received proposals for the 2024 state baseball tournament.  (MM-S) Durflinger-Crozier to play the Class 3A and Class 4A state baseball tournament in Cedar Rapids. Motion carried 5-1 with Earleywine voting no.  


1) Executive Director Keating shared the most recent fall sports ejection report.

2) The administrative staff shared the fall sports online rules meeting memos.

3) Executive Director Keating shared the list of schools that did not have an ejection during the 2022-23 school year.

4) Executive Director Keating provided the list of schools that had three or more ejections during the 2022-23 school year.

5) Executive Director Keating presented a summary of the four section meetings he had attended so far this fall.

6) Executive Director Keating shared the list of Head Strong Concussion Insurance Claims as of August 1, 2023.

7) Executive Director Keating recapped the Representative Council Meeting.

8) Executive Director Keating reminded the group of the upcoming Board of Control elections.

9) Executive Director Keating discussed renaming the Board of Control to Board of Directors.

10) Assistant Director Umthun shared the agenda from the September 12 student advisory committee meeting.

11) Assistant Director Umthun provided the Special Olympics Iowa Unified Champion Schools toolkit.

12) Assistant Director Tharp provided a recap of the soccer advisory committee held September 12.

13) Director of Communications Cuellar presented participation data from Bound.

14) Executive Director Keating presented a initial draft of a contract with TEAMINN.  

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held October 19, 2023 at the IHSAA Office in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 11:40 a.m. 

l, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday, September 22, 2023. 


The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met September 5, 2023, via Zoom, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley (second hearing only), Rod Earleywine (first hearing only), Steve Pettit, and Brent Cook. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Jared Chizek and Andy Umthun. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 9:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Regina, Iowa City – Lucas S. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Dave S., father of the student. Appellant and Lucas S., student, participated in the meeting. They were informed Board Member St. Clair had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. They were also informed Board Member Whaley had recused herself from the hearing. (MM-S) Crozier-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (2) Ames – Daniel H. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Lyle Fedders, Ames High School activity director. Appellant, Gabriel and Kathryn H., parents of student, and Daniel H., student, participated in the meeting. They were informed Board Member St. Clair had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. (MM-S) Crozier-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 10:50 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, September 5, 2023. 

AUGUST 25, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 25, 2023, via Zoom, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Deron Durflinger, and Brent Cook. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Director Jared Chizek. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 8:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Davenport, West – Cleo G. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Michelle Lillis, Davenport West athletic director. Appellant, Deirdre Brown, mother of student; Tammy Conrad, Davenport district athletic director; David Robinson, Davenport West basketball coach; and Lisa Balk, licensed mental health therapist participated in the meeting. (MM-S) Crozier-Cook that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried 4-1 with Earleywine voting nay.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 8:45 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday, August 25, 2023. 

AUGUST 22, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 22, 2023, via Zoom, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice-Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Rod Earleywine, Barb Schwamman, Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit (joined after recess) and Brent Cook. Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating and Assistant Directors Jared Chizek and Andy Umthun. Also present was Brian Humke, IHSAA legal counsel. 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 11:00 a.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Waterloo Christian – Jonah W. – General Transfer Rule 36.15(3). Pursuant to a letter received from Pam W., mother of the student. Appellant; Steve W., father of student; Jonah W., student; and Lucas Tanney, Valley Lutheran athletic director and cross country coach participated in the meeting. They were informed Board Member St. Clair had recused himself from the hearing and had not received any materials pertaining to the hearing. (MM-S) Durflinger-Crozier that in accordance with 36.15(3), eligibility be denied. Motion carried unanimously.   

The board went into recess at 11:20 a.m. The board reconvened at 1:00 p.m. 

ELIGIBILITY RULING – (1) Moulton-Udell – Aggrieved Member School – Junior High School Sharing Agreement – Pursuant to a letter received from Dan Maeder, superintendent, Moulton-Udell. Appellant, Shane Brown, Moulton-Udell principal, Kyle and Elizabeth Davis, Moulton-Udell parents and community members participated in the hearing. (MM-S) Durflinger-Crozier to allow a one-year exception to the junior high sharing agreement policy and to allow Moulton-Udell to enter into multiple sharing agreements for the sport of football.  Motion carried unanimously.   

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 1:45 p.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Tuesday, August 22, 2023. 

AUGUST 4-5, 2023

The Board of Control of the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) met August 4 and 5, 2023, at the Drury Inn and Suites in West Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to notice.  Board of Control members present were Chairperson Dave Wiebers, Vice Chairperson Andy Crozier, Treasurer Amanda Whaley, Deron Durflinger, Steve Pettit, Rod Earleywine, Barb Schwamman, Brent Cook and Eric. St. Clair (non-voting). Association staff members present were Executive Director Tom Keating; Assistant Directors Todd Tharp, Chad Elsberry, Andy Umthun and Jared Chizek. Legal Counsel Brian Humke was also present (Saturday only). 

CALL TO ORDER – The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wiebers at 8:00 a.m. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – (MM-S) Earleywine-Schwamman to add Xavier Football Family Week Violation to the consent item of the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – (MM-S) Crozier-Schwamman to approve the June 12, 2023 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.  


2023-24 INSURANCE RENEWALS – Executive Director Keating presented insurance renewals for the Concussion Insurance, Post Season Tournament Play Policy, Property, Automobile, Inland Marine, Worker’s Compensation, General Liability, Crime, Umbrella Liability, Cyber Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Violent Event, Directors and Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability coverage. 

2023-24 IHSAA HANDBOOK AND FALL SPORTS MANUAL – The administrative staff presented the 2023-24 Handbook and 2023 Fall Sports Manual.  

FOOTBALL OFFICIAL MECHANIC EXPERIMENT – Assistant Director Chizek presented information relative to the football official mechanic experiment associated with free kicks and scrimmage kicks. 

2023-25 IHSAA JUNIOR HIGH MANUAL – Assistant Director Chizek presented the 2023-25 Junior High Manual.  

XAVIER FOOTBALL FAMILY WEEK VIOLATION – Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Chizek presented correspondence from and to Xavier High School related to an assistant coach conducting a workout with two students during Family Week.   

APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS  (MM-S) Cook-Crozier to approve all consent items as presented and reviewed.  Motion carried unanimously. 


FINANCIAL REPORT  Executive Director Keating presented June 30, 2023 statement of financial position and statement of budgetary activities. (MM-S) Cook-Pettit to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   

2023-24 IHSAA BOARD OF CONTROL ELECTION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS – Executive Director Keating presented the following names as appointments to the IHSAA Board of Control Election Committee: Joe Stutting, North Scott; Chris Fenster, Southwest Valley; Kevin Wood, Sioux Central, Sioux Rapids. (MM-S) Schwamman-Whaley to accept the committee appointments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

JOINT TRACK AND FIELD ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Chizek presented the minutes and ten recommendations from the Joint Track and Field Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended: 1) To allow host sites to ask for consideration to move up state qualifying meet times by Noon the day prior to the meet if the chance of inclement weather is high during the originally scheduled time. 2) To begin field events at the state qualifying meet at 4 p.m., running events at 4:45 p.m., and to implement a 30-minute break following the 4×800. 3) In Classes 3A and 4A, to eliminate the 20-minute break and to institute a 15-minute break after the 400 meter dash and the 400 meter hurdles. 4) In Classes 1A and 2A, to implement a 15-minute break after the 800 meter run. 5) To advance the number of places plus one (including ties) to the finals of the field events at the state qualifying and state meet. 6) To flip the 1500 meter run and 1600 meter run at the state meet. 7) To eliminate the Iowa adaptation requiring undergarments and sleeves to be a single solid color. 8) To eliminate the Iowa adaptation regarding headbands and hair devices. 9) To investigate expanding the para-division in 2024. 10) To investigate a combined championship for those schools with entries outside of the able-bodied division. (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to approve recommendations 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and to deny recommendations 3 and 4. Motion carried unanimously. 

TENNIS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Assistant Director Umthun presented the minutes and three recommendations from the Tennis Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended: 1) to expand tennis to three classes. 2) To have all potential pigtail matches in Class 1A in advance of the first substate date. 3) To delay the release of team assignments by one week. (MM-S) Cook-Schwamman to approve recommendations 2 and 3 and to deny recommendation 1. Motion carried unanimously.   

GOLF ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Executive Director Keating presented the minutes from the Golf Coaches Advisory Committee. The committee recommended moving the state meet to a Monday-Tuesday format. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve the recommendation. Motion carried 6-1 with Pettit voting nay.   

FALL GOLF CLASSIFICATIONS – Executive Director Keating presented the classifications for the 2023 fall golf season. (MM-S) Cook-Crozier to accept the classifications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   

FALL GOLF DISTRICT SITES – Executive Director Keating presented the sites for the 2023 district fall golf tournaments. Team assignments will be made at a later date. (MM-S) Schwamman-Durflinger to accept the sites as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

SELECT PHYSICAL THERAPY AGREEMENT – Assistant Director Tharp presented a contract with Select Physical Therapy for athletic training services for state tournament events through the 2025-26 school year. (MM-S) Durflinger-Cook to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   

SELECT SPORT AMERICA PROPOSAL – Assistant Director Tharp presented a contract with Select Sport America to be the official postseason soccer ball through the 2028-29 school year. (MM-S) Crozier-Durflinger to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.   


D.O.E. REPORT – Board member St. Clair shared the Department is in the process of reviewing all administrative rules in the hope of simplifying Iowa Code. 

I.A.S.B. REPORT – Board member Whaley reminded the Board that 2023 is an election year for school boards. The new superintendent ISFLC conference is scheduled for September 19.  

I.H.S.A.D.A. REPORT – Board member Cook reported the IHSADA had a successful golf outing during the SAI Conference and the new athletic director workshop is scheduled for August 9 in Boone. 

TECHNOLOGY REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry shared a new VoIP phone system will be installed in the IHSAA offices next week.  

IOWA ACHIEVE REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry shared all of the old video content from the Hall of Pride has been uploaded to the Achieve site.  

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES & OUTREACH REPORT  Assistant Director Elsberry shared IASC will be holding a new advisor’s workshop on August 9 and a leadership bootcamp in the five districts later in August and September.  

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS REPORT  Executive Director Keating shared web site and social media analytics from the summer and recapped the summer intern program.   


1) Executive Director Keating shared with the IHSAA Board of Control information, including terms, committees, contact information and important dates.

2) Assistant Director Tharp discussed the upcoming new administrator/athletic director workshop on August 9.

3) Assistant Director Tharp presented a memo sent to member school administrators regarding the concussion course requirement.

4) Assistant Director Chizek provided a list of Friend of School Awards for the 2022-23 school year.

5) Executive Director Keating shared the joint committee meeting minutes from its June 30 meeting.

6) Assistant Director Umthun lead a discussion on state baseball options for 2024.

7) Executive Director Keating shared the Headstrong Concussion insurance claims as of July 1, 2023.

8) Executive Director Keating shared Headstrong Concussion insurance information from Dissinger-Reed.

9) Executive Director Keating and Assistant Director Chizek discussed Drake’s request for funding for its stadium renovation project.

10) Assistant Director Tharp presented the revised ejection policy for 2023-24.  

Chairperson Wiebers recessed the Board at 10:25 am, Friday, August 4, 2023. 

The Board reconvened at 8:00 am on Saturday, August 5, 2023. 

 EXECUTIVE SESSION – (MM-S) Pettit-Schwamman to enter executive session to discuss current litigation. Motion carried unanimously.  (MM-S) Pettit-Cook to leave executive session. Motion carried unanimously. 


2023-24 BOARD OF CONTROL CALENDAR – Executive Director Keating presented the Board of Control a draft meeting schedule for 2023-24. A change in date for the December meeting was needed due to the ISFLC Conference already scheduled in Ankeny for December 14. (MM-S) Cook-Crozier to approve the meeting schedule with the December meeting now scheduled for December 12. Motion carried unanimously.   

2023-24 IHSAA LEGAL COUNSEL APPOINTMENT – Executive Director Keating noted the requirement of the IHSAA Board of Control policies to annually appoint legal counsel for the IHSAA. (MM-S) Earleywine-Crozier to appoint Brian Humke of Nyemaster Goode, PC to serve as legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously. 


1) Executive Director Keating and Legal Counsel Humke provided a draft regarding guidance on the Bathroom Bill.

2) The Board and staff discussed a number of topics implemented since 2020 and reviewed the priorities for 2023-24.

3) The board reviewed the IHSAA Member Survey and discussed next steps regarding potential changes.  

NEXT MEETING DATE – The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held September 22, 2023 at the IHSAA Office in Boone. 

ADJOURNMENT – Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Wiebers at 10:25 a.m. 

I, Jared Chizek, Assistant Director of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Control held Friday and Saturday, August 4 and 5, 2023.